Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Dairy Researcher Boasts Berbakteri

E54J476D8W83 in Shutter Stock Illustration: previously, the results of agricultural research Institur Bogor (IPB) found many children infant formula and baby food containing the bacteria Enterobacter Sakazakii.
JAKARTA, — member of IX DPR Riski Sadiq said, the figure of the researcher of the Faculty of veterinary medicine Dr. drh Sri Estuningsih needs to be appreciated for his related. The research title is "the potential Occurrence of neonatal Bacterial Meningitis due to Infection in neonatal EEG Enterobacter sakazakii isolated from baby food and infant Formula".
Even though it raises the chaotic never stop beginning in 2008, said Sadiq, plus side must also be understood in the community. "There is the positive side of his research, which is a standard examination in the international Codex for infant formula. This is our pride. Should he not always dipojokkan, "she recounts in Cikini, Leaves Saturday (7/2/2011).
However, this confirms, politicians are supposed to be the PAN party of IPB regulating traffic information distributing journals be careful in this research through the website, so that it can be accessed easily by people with various backgrounds.
Because it has been deployed, then it should have been announced and the IPB Estu brands of milk contaminated by bacteria-bacteria.
"The verdict of the MA that it's inkracht. So that these institutions are not mocked at it again, then the problematic product brands convey the object to the public with complete explanations. If I worry Kemenkes enggak, POM, and IPB is believed to be sold by the community, "said Sadiq.
Komisoner Consumer Protection Agency Indonesia Indah Sukmaningsih lamented that IPB was memublikasikan the actual research is aimed at academic research as a continuation on the next site that is accessible to the public.
"Tomorrow-tomorrow there should be a distinction to announce research, to research, or for monitoring products on the market. This learning is good for all of us, "he said.
Beautiful not agree if the milk brands into the sample and Albania were contaminated Enterobacter sakazakii announced to the public because no benefits if purely aimed at the interests of consumers.
"But because it was partisan members of Parliament, those ' anyway ', yes brand already had, all asking for the brand. Yes you got it. But right when saying his health aspects are already there enggak (problems) again, "said.

Hepatitis A Forerunner Of Cancer!

JAKARTA, -every kind of illness should never be considered trivial. Such as hepatitis, when indicating a condition of the heart that is experiencing inflammation. Most societies are still lacking care and disease with Justin on this one, because it considers the impact brought about indirectly and it took quite a long time.

"This must be notified that the hepatitis was the forerunner for becoming a cancer may be afraid of a little person," said Prof. Dr. h. Ali Sulaiman, PhD, SpPD-KGEH, the Division of Hepatology, Department of internal medicine, Faculty of medicine University of Indonesia, Thursday (24/6/2011).

According to Ali, according to the Study of chronic hepatitis C prevalence in health care professionals in 2008, approximately 3.4 million population are infected with hepatitis c. Indonesia And about 2 million are infected with the virus genotype 1 (hard diterapi).

"Hepatitis C is genotipnya, so type 1 and 2. Type 1 (one) is the largest and are difficult to treat, "he said.

As for the treatment of genotype 1, Ali spoke, could do with menyuntikan pegasys. However the prices for these drugs is still considered very expensive. Just imagine, once injection Pegasys, ranging between 1-2 million rupiah.

"But to genotip 1 (one) it should be injected 48 times," he said.

Given the still high cost of such treatment, Ali hope with the help of the Government, these drugs could be made generic.

"Perhaps it is our hope in the effort if we want to carry out efforts in the fight against hepatitis B and C," he said.

For control of hepatitis can not if just prioritizing one only, is it hepatitis B or C, as both Ali according to equally important and can be fatal if not treated appropriately.

"Because both are equally so of cancer," he said.

Hepatitis can be caused by various things, such as viral infections, parasites, bacteria, chemical substances, auto immune system, illegal drugs as well as alcohol. Hepatitis B and C can develop into liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, can even cause he needed a liver transplant. The good news is hepatitis B can be prevented through vaccination, and most infections hepatitis C can be cured.

Tomorrow, Kemkes Announce Tainted Milk

Tomorrow, Kemkes Announce Tainted Milk

Yulvianus Harjono | Glori K. Wadrianto | Thursday, July 7, 2011 | 19: 18 PM



Shutter Stock Illustration: previously, the results of agricultural research Institur Bogor (IPB) found many children infant formula and baby food containing the bacteria Enterobacter Sakazakii.

JAKARTA, — Ministry of health and the food and drug Supervisory Agency will announce the results of his research to the public about right there whether formulas in ground water contaminated by bacteria Enterobacteri sakazaki and other microbes, Friday (8/7/2011).

The announcement of the results of research related to contaminated infant formula will be attended by the Minister of health, the head of The GAS, and Rector of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture. This research has been eagerly awaited announcement of many parties, especially the wider community, following the research of IPB.

However, as Health Minister expressed Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih in Jakarta, last Tuesday, the result of research that was announced is not a research by IPB had become widespread attention publicly some time ago. The research was conducted by Kemkes since April last year.

Health Tip: If a person with Alzheimer's eats

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Vital signs: nutrition: stealthy vegetables: getting children to eat more

Good news for parents: can your kids, Zucchini, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and squash eat - and how they.

Researchers at the replaced these vegetables, pureed, kids meals, every meal calorie reduce Penn State but just to maintain their weight. One day a week for three weeks 40 children were given regular meals, meals with three times as much vegetables content or meals with four times as much vegetables content randomly. The children were eating told as much or as little as they wanted to.

The same amount of food by weight placed on the 3 - to 6 - year-old, participants in a day care center, regardless of whether the pureed meals contain vegetables. But those who ate meals with quadrupled vegetable content increase their vegetables total intake of 73 grams and reduce their calorie intake by around 12 per cent during the study.

Asked the taste as yucky rate OK or tasty, more than 70 percent of children assessed the vegetables falsified meals as OK or tasty. The study was published online July 20 in the American Journal of clinical nutrition.

"The controversial aspect is that it is deceptive," Maureen k. said spill, lead author and researcher at Penn State. "But it's just another way, to make recipes healthier." "It is still important for children to learn how vegetables look and taste how get."

Sept. 11 revealed psychology of borders, review finds

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Ángel Franco/the New York Times

Not all who received mental health care after the Sept. 11 attacks benefited, researchers found.

The mental fallout from the September 11 attacks has taught psychologists far more about their field's limitations than about their potential to shape and predict behavior, a wide - ranging review has found.

The report, a collection of articles due to be published next month in a special issue of the journal American psychologist, relates a succession of humbling missteps after the attacks.

Experts greatly overestimated the number of people in New York City who would suffer lasting emotional distress. Therapists rushed in to soothe victims using methods that later proved to be harmful to some.

And they fell to arguing over whether watching an event on television could produce the same kind of traumatic reaction as actually being there.

These and other stumbles have changed the way mental health workers respond to traumatic events, said Roxane Cohen silver, a psychologist at the University of California, Irvine, who oversaw the special issue along with editors at the journal.

"You have to understand," she said, "that before 9 / 11 we didn't have any good way to estimate the response to something like this other than - well, estimates" based on Modesto and other trauma.

Chaos reigned in the New York area after the twin towers fell, both on the streets and in the minds of many mental felt health professionals who compelled to help but were our how. Looked knit therapists by the dozens volunteered their services, eager to relieve the suffering of anyone who. Freudian analysts installed themselves at fire stations, unbidden and unpaid, to help devastated firefighters. Employee assistance programs offered free therapy, warning of the consequences of letting people grieve on their own.

Some undoubtedly benefited given treatment, researchers say, but others became annoyed or more upset. At least one commentator referred to therapists' response as "trauma tourism."

"We did a case study in New York and couldn't really tell if people had been helped by the providers - but the providers felt great about it," said Patricia Watson, a co-author of one of the articles and associate director of the terrorism and disaster programs at the National Center for child traumatic stress. "It makes sense;" "we know that altruism makes people feel better."

But researchers later discovered that the standard approach at the time, in which the therapist urges a distressed person to talk through the experience and emotions, backfires for many people. They plunge even deeper into anxiety and depression when forced to relive the mayhem.

Crisis response teams now take a much less intense approach called psychological first aid, teaching basic coping skills and having victims recount experiences only if it seems helpful.

One of the biggest lessons of Sept. 11, said Richard McNally, a psychologist at Harvard who did not contribute to the new report, what that it "brought attention to the limitations of this debriefing."

Another, he said, was that it drove home the fact that people are far more resilient than experts thought. No. of one disputes that thousands of Americans who lost loved ones or fled from the collapsing skyscrapers are still living with deep emotional wounds. Yet estimates after the attack projected epidemic levels of post-traumatic stress, afflicting perhaps 100,000 people, or 35 percent of those exposed to the attack in one way or another.

Later studies found rates closer to 10 percent for first responders, and lower for other New Yorkers. (The prevalence in children was slightly higher.)

"Some of US were making this case about resilience well before 9 / 11, but what the attack did what bring a lot more attention to it," said George A. Bonanno, a psychology professor at Columbia.

It also stirred a debate that may soon change the definition of post traumatic stress. Weeks and months breathless in the after the attack, experts and news articles warned that people who had no direct connection to the tragedy would therefore develop diagnosable symptoms merely from seeing the images on a television screen.

Dr. Silver, who what among the first to question overestimates of trauma, has found evidence for such effects in her own studies.

"The distress spilled over the outside communities, mostly to people who saw the images and had of pre-existing psychological problems," she said. "The numbers are low, but I think the data is convincing."

Dr. McNally, among others, disagrees. "The notion that TV caused P.T.S.D." "seems absurd," he said in an e-mail.

The editors of the diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the so-called encyclopedia of mental disorders compiled by the American Psychiatric Association, are debating whether to change the criteria for post-traumatic stress to exclude such cases at a distance.

The new report reviewed hundreds of other types of 9 / 11 studies, political and social. Americans on average became more prejudiced toward Arabs after the attack, as well as more likely to contribute to charities and more supportive of aggressive government action against suspected terrorists.

But these and other findings were not new; studies after previous attacks in other countries found similar things. For all their PvP and devastation, the attacks gave rise to no new theories of behavior, no new therapies.

Instead, some authors said, the chief effect on the social sciences what to caution against applying theories as readily to real life. Another author in the new collection, Philip E. Tetlock, a psychologist at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, notes that intelligence agencies employ scientists to try to predict the behavior of foreign leaders and terrorists - and that their track record has been mixed.

"The closer scientists come to applying their favorite abstractions to real-world problems," the article concludes, "the harder it becomes to keep track of the inevitably numerous variables and to resist premature closure on desired conclusions."

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Lab-on-a-chip can be game-changer in disease detection

A cheap, highly portable blood test has published a study Sunday so just like expensive hospital-based analysis for the detection of HIV, syphilis and other infectious diseases, proved its worth.

Researchers tested prototypes of the credit card size lab-on-a-chip with hundreds of patients in Rwanda, reporting almost 100 percent accuracy.

The so called "mChip", said could help translate three obstacles to the effective delivery of health care in the poorest regions of the world: difficult access, high costs and long delays for results.

"The idea is, a large class of diagnostic tests in each setting in the world, rather than they force to go, to a clinic to draw blood and then wait to make patient days for their results," said Samuel SIA, a professor at Columbia University and lead developer.

The results were published in Nature Medicine.

With projected production costs of one dollar per unit, it would be mChip far cheaper to administer than current lab-based testing.

Because in several proteins can scan each correspond to a disease, with a single blood sample at the same time it is probably still billiger-and genauer--strips as the work such as pregnancy testsstore-bought.

"Current HIV rapid tests require subjective interpretation of the band intensity by the user, which may lead to false positives", noticed that is healthy individuals is incorrectly diagnosed the study.

The mChip can be in contrast to measure with a hundred-dollar handheld instrument not more complicated to use than a mobile phone, according to the researchers.

Finally, the device delivers results in minutes rather than days or weeks, a time-saving can be a big difference in outcomes.

The device contains a microchip within an injection molded plastic housing located, explains Vincent Chief technological officer at Claros Diagnostics, owns or has licensed relevant patents Linder.

Bind unique disease "Biomarkers" in a pin down blood sample contained to one of up to 10 individual zones.

A nano-scale gold "Reagent" - which is a substance by a chemical reaction - is injected followed by a silver one with gold, an ultra-thin film produce interacts.

"The darkness of the film is proportional to the concentration of biomarkers in the sample", said the steps to the process of development in non-digital photography compare Linder.

With a LED-based detector measured are, or can be evaluated by the naked eye.

In Rwanda SIA and colleagues tested the device in the Muhima hospital in Kigali, where local results take at present days or weeks as samples to an external laboratory must be sent.

Half and half, only tested by a total of 70 copies with known HIV status false, a result, the accuracy of HIV test environment analysis rivals.

Similar tests on more than 100 archived copies equally reliable results gezeitigt such as further studies based on samples of female sex workers are known to be infected with HIV and syphilis.

The researchers hope that it will boost testing of pregnant women, particularly in Africa.

Currently just under a quarter of pregnant women in low and middle income countries are tested for HIV, a number, which offers little hope by 2015 to reach the UN target of elimination of mother-to child transmission according to the 2010 UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic.

You get HIV tests, according to the report present in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for example, only nine and six percent, or pregnant women.

N.R.C. lower estimate which would die in meltdown

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ROCKVILLE, Md. — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is approaching completion of an ambitious study that concludes that a meltdown at a typical American reactor would lead to far fewer deaths than previously assumed.

The conclusion, to be published in April after six years of work, is based largely on a radical revision of projections of how much and how quickly cesium 137, a radioactive material that is created when uranium is split, could escape from a nuclear plant after a core meltdown. In past studies, researchers estimated that 60 percent of a reactor core’s cesium inventory could escape; the new estimate is only 1 to 2 percent.

A draft version of the report was provided to The New York Times by the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nuclear watchdog group that has long been critical of the commission’s risk assessments and obtained it through a Freedom of Information Act request. Since the recent triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, such groups have been arguing that the commission urgently needs to tighten safeguards for new and aging plants in the United States.

The report is a synthesis of 20 years of computer studies and engineering analyses, stated in complex mathematical terms. In essence, it states that if a prolonged loss of electric power caused a typical American reactor core to melt down, the great bulk of the radioactive material released would remain inside the building even when the reactor’s containment shell was breached.

Big releases of radioactive material would not be immediate, and people within a 10-mile radius would have enough time to evacuate, the study found. The chance of a death from acute radiation exposure within 10 miles is therefore near zero, the study projects, although some people would receive doses high enough to cause fatal cancers in decades to come.

One person in every 4,348 living within 10 miles would be expected to develop a “latent cancer” as a result of radiation exposure, compared with one in 167 in previous estimates.

“Accidents progress more slowly, in some cases much more slowly, than previously assumed,” Charles G. Tinkler, a senior adviser for research on severe accidents and one of the study’s authors, said in an interview at a commission office building here. “Releases are smaller, and in some cases much smaller, of certain key radioactive materials.”

The N.R.C. did not intend to release the report until next spring and said its conclusions were still being adjusted after a peer review.

The health effects of a catastrophic meltdown were hypothetical until the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island. That destroyed a billion-dollar reactor but caused no apparent physical harm to nearby residents, immediately or over time. Debate has persisted over whether the United States skirted a disaster or whether that accident was about as bad as it could get.

Edwin Lyman, a nuclear physicist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, contends that the nuclear commission has consistently painted an overly rosy picture and that its latest study does as well. He noted that the study assumed a successful evacuation of 99.5 percent of the people within 10 miles, for example. The report also assumes “average” weather conditions, he noted.

But if a rainstorm were under way during a release of radioactive materials, he said, it could wash contaminants out of the air into a small area, producing a high dose there.

Jennifer L. Uhle, the deputy director of the commission’s office of nuclear regulatory research, said the report was intended to present the “best estimate” and not the worst case.

Dr. Lyman said the earlier estimate was of a different accident, a major pipe break. The new study considered that accident too unlikely to analyze.

Dr. Lyman suggested that in projections of fatal cancer cases, the focus should be on people who live within 50 miles. The average population within 10 miles of an American nuclear plant is 62,000; within 50 miles, it is about five million.

The commission’s old projection of eventual cancer deaths was one for every 2,128 people exposed within 50 miles; the new study projects one cancer death for every 6,250 people exposed, which still comes to hundreds of cancer deaths within the 50-mile circle, in addition to the hundreds of thousands who would be expected to die of cancer from other causes.

Dr. Lyman countered that when dealing with estimates based on so many variables — including more than 100 reactors of different designs and vintage, in areas with disparate population densities — a difference of a factor of three is not important. In his view, the study reconfirms that reactors pose serious risks.

The commission’s shift in thinking about how much radioactive cesium 137 would escape after a core meltdown is based on a conclusion that most of it would either dissolve in water that stays put or adhere to surfaces within the plant. The authors said previous analyses had made “conservative assumptions” that most of the cesium and other materials would escape. But laboratory studies and computer modeling have not borne out that hypothesis, they said.

Commission experts have said that a total blackout would be extremely rare at an American plant and that backup generators and other machinery would fill the breach until grid power was restored. Nonetheless, the study focused on what would happen in the event of a nuclear station blackout, meaning a complete loss of power from the grid and from backup diesel generators, and then an exhaustion of batteries that supply power, leading to a meltdown. That is what happened at Fukushima.

The study focused on two common reactor types in this country: boiling-water reactors at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania, similar to those at Fukushima, and pressurized-water reactors at the Surry Power Station in Virginia.

The study gives a highly detailed prediction of which equipment would stop operating; what temperatures, steam pressures and flows of water and steam would result; and where and when leaks would begin after a meltdown.

It concluded that Peach Bottom would not release enough radioactive material to kill anyone immediately, although it could increase the rate of cancer deaths over future decades. At Surry, the probability was so low and the number of people living within 10 miles so small that the death toll would be a fraction of a person.

The report was prepared by staff members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Sandia National Laboratories, a Department of Energy lab. Beyond the revisions to be made as a result of the peer review, the report could undergo further changes after public comments are received next year.

Once completed, it might be used by the commission when it analyzes proposed safety improvements in terms of costs and benefits, or decides where reactors should be located.

“Once we think we know what the best estimate is, we think we can start thinking about applications,” said Jason H. Schaperow, a senior reactor systems engineer and one of the authors.

Confirmed gene patent in cancer test

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In a closely watched case, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday that genes can be patented, overturning a lower court decision that had shocked the biotechnology industry.

The Court of appeals for the Federal Circuit, which specializes in patent cases, said that Myriad Genetics which entitled to patents on two human genes used to predict if women have an increased risk of getting breast and ovarian cancer.

The court ruled that DNA isolated from the body which eligible for patents because it was "markedly different" in its chemical structure from DNA that exists inside the chromosomes in the body. As a result, the isolated DNA is not simply a product of nature, which would not be eligible for a patent.

The 2-to-1 decision on the gene of del issue so what a rejection of arguments made by the Obama administration, which had filed a friend of the court brief arguing that isolated DNA should not be patented. That letter went against the long standing policy of the United States Patent and Trademark Office to grant such patents.

The appeals court ruled against myriad in another part of the case, however. The court said that myriad's patent claims on the process of analyzing whether a patient's genes had mutations that raised the risk of cancer which not patentable because it involved only "patent-ineligible abstract mental steps."

The case may eventually reach the Supreme Court.

The decision on the patentability of genes and DNA cheered much, though not all, of the biotechnology industry. Thousands of human genes have been patented, and some biotechnology executives say such patents are essential for encouraging innovation.

"It basically adhered to the policy, the Patent Office has pursued since the early ' 80 of, when the biotech industry was born," said Gerald j. Flattmann Jr., a patent lawyer at Paul Hastings in New York, who represents pharmaceutical companies but which are not involved in this case. "Isolated gene patents are the cornerstone of the biotechnology industry."

Critics say it is unethical to patent something that is part of the human body or the natural world. Some also say that the cost of testing might be reduced if companies did not hold testing monopolies because of their patents. Myriad, which holds the patents on the genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes with the University of Utah Research Foundation, charges more than $3,000 for its breast cancer risk test.

A lawsuit challenging the patents on the breast cancer risk genes which filed in 2009 by the American Civil Liberties Union and the public patent Foundation, acting as the lawyers for various cancer patients, medical researchers and medical societies.

In U.S. on opinion issued in March 2010, District Judge Robert W. sweet in Manhattan ruled the patents were invalid. The importance of DNA, he said, what the information content it carried in terms of how proteins should be made. In that aspect, he said, the isolated DNA was not really different from the DNA in the body. The argument that isolating the DNA made it different, he said, what is just "a lawyer's trick."

But the appellate decision Friday rejected judge sweet's reasoning, saying that since DNA is a chemical, the chemical structure is what matters and that "informational content is irrelevant to that fact."

"The claims cover molecules that are markedly different - have a distinctive chemical identity and nature - from molecules that exist in nature," judge Alan D. Lourie wrote for the court.

Peter D. Meldrum, chief executive of myriad, said Friday that he was "absolutely delighted with the ruling." He said the patent claims that the court ruled invalid were not important and that patent protection for the company's test which is as strong as before the lawsuit which was filed.

Daniel B. Ravicher, executive director of the public patent Foundation, which helped file the suit, called the decision a partial victory for the plaintiffs. 1250–1400 That one judge dissented on the gene patents, he said, "They can't agree among themselves."

Mr. Ravicher said the plaintiffs were considering either asking the entire appellate court to rehear the gene of del aspects of the case or appealing to the Supreme Court.

While judge Lourie's opinion spoke for the court, the other two judges wrote their own opinions.

Judge Kimberly A. Moore agreed that genes were patentable but cited somewhat different reasoning, including that only Congress should change Patent Office policy to grant such patents.

"Judicial restraint is particularly important here because on entire industry developed in the decades since the Patent Office first granted patents to isolated DNA," Judge Moore wrote. "Disturbing the biotechnology industry's settled expectations now risks impeding, not promoting innovation."

But the third judge on the panel, William C. Bryson, dissented, saying that the genes should not be patented just because they were isolated from the body. In some respects, he wrote, "extracting a gene is akin to snapping a leaf from a tree."

Judge Lourie, in the prevailing opinion, rejected that analogy, saying that isolating DNA created a new chemical entity. It what not simply a matter of separating or purifying the DNA, he said, and not like snapping off a leaf or extracting a mineral from the earth.

The patent claims that the appellate court ruled invalid involved analyzing a patient's genes to see if they had deleterious mutations. Many diagnostic tests involve analyzing some gene or chemical in the body, and whether such tests can be patented is an issue that the Supreme Court has agreed to consider in another case.

Lisa A. Haile, a patent lawyer at DLA Piper in San Diego who is not involved in the myriad case, said the appeals court on Friday suggested myriad's claims would have been upheld if there was another step, such as sequencing the genes, in addition to just mental steps.

"You can 't say diagnostic claims aren't' t patentable," Ms. Haile said. "It's just the way these claims were written."

Health highlights: 28 July 2011

Here some of the latest health and medical news are compiled by the editors of HealthDay developments:

New Brain Scan technique shows back pain severity

Doctors help a new brain of imaging technology to determine and monitor the severity of patient's back pain, the researchers say.

They found that the method called arterial spin labeling and they carried out during MRI images, observe changes in blood flow in certain areas of the brain as chronic back pain patients uncomfortable positions enabled, ABC News reported.

The study was conducted by scientists at Brigham and women's Hospital in Boston and is online and in the August print issue of the journal Anesthesiology.

"Usually, if you do studies with older techniques, you are not able to track the changes in human chronic pain in the course of time" study selection Dr. Ajay D. Wasan, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Psychiatry, said ABC News. "This provides a way to see the physiology of the brain if someone has more or less chronic pain."


Judge has suit apart from embryonic stem cell research

The Obama administration are still the funding of research into embryonic stem cells to an action on it Wednesday was released.

The suit alleges that a federal law prohibits, the taxpayer, which was financing of embryonic stem cells injured by the US national institutes of health research, which damages an embryo. But the Obama administration argues that the Federal Republic allows research using reported directive of embryos that have been harvested long ago, through private funding, the Associated Press .

US district judge Royce Lamberth decided last year that the action was probably successfully and a stop federally funded embryonic research ordered while the case further. But the U.S. Circuit Court of appeals in Washington, D.C. decided, that the action was a probable failure and the injunction lifted.

As a result reported Lamberth a statement on behalf of the Obama administration Wednesday AP released.

Scientists hope that cures for a range of diseases, including spinal cord injuries and Parkinson's diseaseavailable is the embryonic stem cells a day.


Little evidence of 9 / 11 cancer link: report

A report released Tuesday saying U.S. Government it is not enough evidence to determine whether dust and smoke caused cancer causing terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in rescue and recovery workers or New York City residents who lived in the vicinity at the moment.

The finding means that their disease, says people with cancer diagnostics that they attribute the 9/11 attack qualify for federal benefits to treat or compensate for the New York Times.

The report by the National Institute for occupational safety and health was a new federal law required, which offers to monitor $4.3 billion in the next five years, to treat and to compensate for people who were exposed to dust and fumes from the WTC attack.

Proven on an assessment of the available data, the report is based, but there were only 18 published studies of the WTC attack, the cancer mentioned. Only five of these studies were peer-review and she showed mixed results, according to NIOSH Director Dr. John Howard, The Times reported.

A second review of a possible link between cancer and the WTC attack in beginning until mid 2012 is led, said Howard.

According to the timessome doctors believe that a link to cancer with time will be created.

Dr. Philip j. Landrigan, Director of the programme dedicated to 9/11 treatment, surveillance and research at Mount Sinai Medical Center, said the newspaper, that the likelihood of cancer tied increases as years pass on 9 / 11. He referred to his team research in multiple myeloma, which seems at a rate higher than usual, and at an unusually young age in some responders occur.


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Vital signs: risks: women's cancer risk increases with height, study

A woman is ever greater, your risk for canceris the greater, a large-scale study.

Researchers at the University of Oxford in England analyzed data on more than 1.2 million British women for an average 9.4 years followed. There were more than 97,000 cases of cancer among women. The researchers found that for every four-inch increase in the height of more than 5 feet 1 inch, the risk that a woman by around 16 per cent increase would cancer. The study was published online July 21 in the Lancet Oncology.

The analysis covers the 17 types of cancer, but the relative risk increase is statistically significant for only 10 of them. The authors suggest that levels of growth hormone on the development of cancer could be involved in or higher people are simply vulnerable to mutations because their bodies include more cells.

The authors reviewed previous studies showing that a similar connection between height and an increased risk of cancer in Asia, Australasia, Europe and North America has been observed.

"There is interest in this study he us a clue about how cancer could develop,", said Jane Green, the lead author and an epidemiologist at Oxford. "It is the similarity to many different types of cancer in people with many different risk factors, and in many different populations, which makes us think that it is something very important in the development of cancer."

Report could tighten the FDA oversight of medical devices.

By Amanda Gardner
HealthDay reporter

Thursday, July 28 HealthDay News)-the US Institute of medicine plans to release a report Friday that could change the way, the medical devices are regulated.

The report anticipated U.S. food and drug was requested by the Administration 2009 and is expected to recommend that a rigorous approval process through medical products such as artificial joints and pacemakers, before go to the market.

Consumer interest groups were critical FDA oversight of medical devices, argued that they were usually too quickly deleted.

"FDA oversight and review process is too weak and must be strengthened," said Dr. Michael Carome, Deputy Director of public citizen health research group.

What to at issue in the upcoming Institute of Medicine (IOM) report to be, it seems, is the accelerated 510(k)-Prozess of device approval, under which come the medical devices on the market.

This process accelerated approval of devices when they are "substantially equivalent" to an existing device.

Published reports suggest that the majority of the medical equipment or about 3,000 are annually, led in this way.

A minority of higher risk devices, such as heart implanted defibrillators, have to go through a stringent approval process not unlike the new drug required.

Patient safety advocates say that too many appliances under the 510(k) program, the system deletes is from the outset too lax.

"We believe that the process for the approval of devices in the programme 510(k) frequently inadequate, due to the application and the loose interpretation of what it means is"device much be same to a predicate", said Carome."

But industry groups say that the program calls the required devices for patients much faster and brings a campaign in Washington, D.C., to doubts about the report, before it's released, the New York Times reported.

The IOM report follows several recalls of devices, including the recall last year of two artificial hip systems, which was been planted nearly 100,000 patients commonly known.

In the meantime, the FDA reported two warnings to surgical mesh devices in three years, issued support MSNBC has the view bodies, such as the bubble.

MedicalNewsCopyright © 2011 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

Sources: Michael Carome, m.d., Deputy Director, health research group, public citizen, Washington, D.C.; The New York Times; MSNBC

Monday, 1 August 2011

CDC: Strokes, rise in pregnant women, new moms

Strokes have suffering to pregnant women and new mothers, probably spiked heel, because more of them are overweight and high blood pressure and heart disease, researchers from report in the United States.

Hospitalizations for pregnancy-related strokes and "Mini strokes" jumped from about 4,100 1994-95 to around 6,300 2006-07, an increase of 54% researchers said, extrapolation of numbers in a large database of the Federal Republic.

"This is a very, very trigger alarm statistics, we need to take that very seriously", said Dr. Olajide Williams, neurologist at Columbia University, and Harlem hospital and an American Stroke Association spokesman. "We need more aggressive in screening-are these women for these risk factors."

The number of strokes is small, when you consider that about 4 million babies are born each year in the United States but pregnancy raises risk of stroke due to the all a woman hormone and blood changes that occur. When it unhealthy, starts with a problem such as diabetes or high blood pressure, she doubled their risk of suffering a stroke during or directly after pregnancy, said Dr. Elena Kuklina, stroke prevention experts at the Centers for disease control and prevention.

They led the study, published Thursday in the journal of the American Heart Association stroke.

Researchers records used from a sample of hospitals in almost all countries, for up to 8 million hospitalizations each year. She saw the number of women, the strokes and transient ischaemic attacks - TIAs or 'Mini strokes' - during pregnancy or in the three months after the birth.

Prices were highest in the South and lowest in the Northeast.

Researchers also saw the prevalence of high blood pressure and heart disease, health problems associated with obesity, and came to the conclusion that this almost all the increase in stroke-related hospitalizations taken into account. Researchers also noted that women later children have, and the risk of a stroke increases with age.

Sometimes pregnant women and new moms so focused on the baby health, the neglect they consider their own, said Williams.

"Think special rooms, which are going to color it to paint rooms on baby names." You have maternity think, "said Williams." "But an ounce of prevention is always the best recipe for a healthy life."

Kuklina agreed.

"If you are planning a pregnancy, try to see your doctor before you pregnant" advised them to stroke risks are examined. And if you are pregnant, "try as early as possible to start your prenatal care." "It is important, healthy living, have healthy diets, smoking quit, if you smoke, are, increase your physical activity and further maintain your healthy weight before pregnancy and during pregnancy."

CDC reported this year researchers with same data sets hospitalization that strokes increase dramatically in young and middle age while fall into Americans in older people, a sign that the obesity epidemic, to shift the age burden of the disease cannot be started.

Getting help fast, as soon as symptoms occur, is to prevent key to the long-term detriment. The warning signs of a stroke are sudden, this: numbness or weakness on one side, severe headache without known cause, to talk about walking, confusion and trouble or to see.



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Shootings spark interest in the violence-prone spotting

By Dennis Thompson
HealthDay reporter

Friday, July 29 HealthDay News) - it is a violent tragedy--at any time, the killing of at least 86 people in a youth camp in Norway, the shootings a Congressman and others in Tucson, Virginia Tech massacre-a question seems more clearly than other ring: why not someone noticed in advance, that the suspicious disturbed and in a position to commit could be lethal force?

Psychiatrist and mental health experts there is a clear warning sign that a person could be in a nervous breakdown and needs help say.

"The way after the crisis is often long and there are a lot of signs," said Bryan Gibb, Director of public education of the National Council for community behavioral healthcare. "It is our job to educate people about these warning signs, so that people get the treatment they need early."

But, the experts also warn that a breakdown is rarely leads to violence. "It is the rare person who has an extreme form of behavior, the either violent or harmful itself, will", said Dr. Thomas wise, Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and behavioral sciences, Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore and Chairman of behavioral health services for health systems Inova in Fairfax, Virginia.

People prone to mass violence often believe victims to an "overvalued idea", a psychiatric term for an inappropriate have died over the person obsessed, has become, wise said.

Overvalued ideas are not delusions, because people with overvalued ideas are not complete and irrational fixed in their faith despite no evidence gave them, he said. The irony is that the people are suffering from delusions and clearly mentally ill, he said, are less likely to commit violence, as people on the fringes of the obsession with move, which technically not suffering a mental disorder.

"People who have often overvalued ideas affect them," said wise. "People with delusions do not." "They are often surprisingly passive, since all conspiracies, who believe they surround - them."

Public interest better identify people in the crisis rose in recent months said Gibb, whose group helps sign of trouble sponsor mental health first aid classes across the country for the preparation of local people and intercede.

"Calls us quite drastically to Tucson," said Gibb.

Speech by violence, to yourself or to others, should as a clear warning signs, both men said.

"When you talk about things that are inconvenient and potentially violent, in our culture, which is unusual, threatening, and should someone break," wise said.

It is even more cause for concern, if the person has no idea that how he or she speaks or act which is to disrupt it around. "If he others, affects no sense as he, which is a sign of trouble has," said wise.

People should be on alert, and quiet when a person who is been excited and is suddenly quiet force for some time. This could mean that internal conflicts are the person, and he or she is on the action.

"If you a plan not making, they more conflicts with the feel," Gibb said. "you can almost euphoric feeling because she've taken this decision."

A history of violence is an another Predictor for whether someone with a mental problem could be. Drug and alcohol use can be a warning sign with someone already strange, acting Gibb and wise said.

People who exhibit these warning signs should be confronted, but carefully, they say.

Wise recommends a heart to heart having discussion with the person in a public place. "" You are "Let them know," Hey, a little scare me "," he said.

To the person who is to reach friends and family, also important, he said. The more people will know the person about the problem, the more likely ready to accept the help of someone.

Gibb agreed, added that it is important, try to de-escalate the person mood. You hear them, they calm down to and offer help-even if the help is as easy as a glass of water to pick up.

"It sounds hokey, but we teachings on the Ministry of defence presence," Gibb said. "Tell them, you're here and you want to help."Hey, I noticed you seem kind of upset. "There is something I can do for you?'"

MedicalNewsCopyright © 2011 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

Sources: Bryan Gibb, Director, public education, National Council for community behavioral healthcare, Washington, D.C.; Thomas wise, m.d., Professor, Department of Psychiatry and behavioral sciences, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, and Chairman of behavioral health services, Inova Fairfax hospital, Fairfax, VA.

The POM, Rajinlah Announce Food Quality

Milk Berbakteri

The POM, Rajinlah Announce Food Quality

Caroline Damanik | Hertanto Soebijoto | Saturday, February 19, 2011 | 13: 31 WIB



JAKARTA, — end the polemics demands Announces brand milk and baby food contaminated Enterobacter sakazakii must be followed by the Supervisory Board of discipline of the drug and food (The POM) in announcing the quality of food, beverages, and medications every year.

"The POM should announce the condition of food each year to the community," said Commissioner of Consumer Protection Agency's National Scenic Sukmaningsih in Cikini, Leaves Saturday (7/2/2011).

According to the beautiful, The POM is rarely openly memublikasikan the quality of food, beverages, and medications that are ditelitinya to the community. In fact, it takes the community as a shopping guide and safe consumption.

In addition, in order to not appear excessive concern in the community, The POM also must continue to discipline checked directly to factories and manufacturers to ask for proof of the quality of the product. Thus, at most there is no guarantee that the products are released to the market is safe.

Beautifully recorded, during The POM belongs not disciplined in announcing food products, beverages, and medications safely be used by the public, unless there are special requests. As a result, so no word simpang flooded, society is constantly worried.

Childhood virus kills 70 in Viet Nam

Hanoi, Viet Nam (AP) - a health official says a swaying outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease in Viet Nam has killed 70 people so far this year and infected more than 23,000, mostly children under 5.

Nguyen Van Binh, head of the Department of preventive medicine, the Health Ministry was quoted by Thanh Nien newspaper , that most cases in the South of the country have been reported.

Enterovirus 71 or EV-71, is in Viet Nam in circulation the dominant variety. There may be a more serious form of the common childhood disease, leading to paralysis, Brain swelling and death.

The this year's outbreak is a sharp uptick in the last few years. Since 2008, children were with about 20 to 30 reported die every year, around 10,000 to 15,000 cases per year.

The Diagnosis Of Hepatitis Must Immediately

JAKARTA, -Hepatitis C is an infectious disease of the liver caused by hepatitis C virus If not immediately treated. will develop into liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. The Diagnosis of hepatitis C should be immediately done especially for those who belong to a group of high risk or had been exposed to blood of alleged contamination of hepatitis C (HCV).

"Examination of the initial blood screening with anti-HCV and HCV screening follow-up when anti HCV RNA positive with quantitative and genotyping HCV," says Dr. SpPD-Superior Budihusodo, KGEH, Chairman of the Association of Indonesia, Heart Researcher Friday, (24/6/2011).

According to the superior, the diagnostic criteria for HVC infections there were two, namely in acute hepatitis C and hepatitis C chronic. However the problem currently exists in hepatitis C chronic, because to do examination of HCV RNA (charge).

"And when it's found is not necessarily the patients were able to buy medicine," cetusnya.

Superior to speak, of the results of the survey that he has done that, only 20 percent of people diagnosed are able to buy drugs. While 80 percent of treatment not because it cannot afford.

"Why should immediately give medication? Because, if it happens, the only treatment of cirrhosis of advanced transplant only, "said superior.

While Prof. Dr. Ali Sulaiman, PhD, SpPD-KGEH, the Division of Hepatology, Department of internal medicine, Faculty of medicine University of Indonesia, said, for therapy of liver transplantation is the cheapest currently existing in China (USD $ 700 million).

"Whereas in Singapore should be prepared of Rp 3 billion," he said.

Therefore, before getting on a stage that is more severe, Ali revealed the need to recognize the Community signs and symptoms of this disease. Although the infection of Hepatitis C is also often referred to as a covert infection due to early infection often not bergejala so often missed. If anything, the symptoms are generally only mild and similar to the flu, such as a bit limp, nausea, muscle aches and persendiaan, bad taste the regions near the heart.

Myriad breast cancer genes can be patented: US Court

An federal appeals court ruled in favor of Myriad Genetics after a legal battle to whether the US company could keep his patent on genes an inherited form of breast cancer associated.

The ruling overturns a lower court ruling and allows the Utah-based company, isolated called maintain its patents on genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, despite complaints by rights groups, who say it an unfair monopoly and women's health choices limited.

The US Court of appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled that such patents on isolated DNA molecules, in accordance with the patent and Trademark Office (PTO), in the last 29 years "longstanding practice" could take place.

The 2-1 decision also said that the company can patent not five largely framed processes the compare or the analysis of DNA sequences, because they were "abstract mental processes."

Myriad spokeswoman said however, that aspect of the judgment of the company capability for the isolated gene test not hurt.

"Our intellectual property position today is otherwise placed as before the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) even in that case," said Rebecca Chambers, head of investor relations, AFP.

She said the company has explained yet 232 claims, procedures or steps, just to test, "as part of 23 patents, that describe how we go about doing the BRAC analysis test, who were not even part of this complaint."

Backed by pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly, myriad received a number of US patents in the 1990s on two generations-BRCA1- and BRCA2-associated with strong hereditary forms of breast and ovarian cancer in women.

According to the National Cancer Institute develop 12% of women in the general population breast cancer in their lifetimes, compared with 60 per cent of women who have inherited mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2.

Can 1.4 percent of the women in their lifetimes with ovarian cancer but the number is growing at 15-40 percent of women with the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation are diagnosed.

The myriad patents means the company has "exclusive right to the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 diagnostic tests to perform and to prevent that all researchers receive only a look at the genes without first permission from myriad", ACLU, said a statement.

A major complaint in the lawsuit, in 2009 by a coalition of patient advocacy and medical groups represented by the ACLU was submitted, that the company exercised too much control over the tests and costs.

"Myriad makes it impossible for women or a comprehensive second opinion to obtain results to access alternative tests monopoly on the BRCA genes." It also countless, a high price for their can calculate, "ACLU Attorney Sandra Park AFP" said.

The ACLU was consulting with its customers and would they decide soon, or for the federal circuit appeal to the full 12-member Court of appeals to Court of Justice, said the matter to the Supreme.

Analyst Robert Cook Deegan of the Institute for Genome Sciences and policy at Duke University in North Carolina, said that he expected that the dispute over whether DNA is human something patented and owned would continue.

"This is probably not the last stage in this game," he said. "The fact that all three judges gave very different lines of reasoning me suggests that it will be a new round to go, to be."

When the matter of Supreme reaches court, he said that the result would be "very unpredictable."

But Friday's ruling was expected, that to make some waves in the biotechnology industry or on the US stock market.

"The impact of the federal circuit decision in the myriad case on the biotech industry should be minimal," said biotech intellectual property lawyer Roberte Marie Makowski.

"At least this decision provides a level of patents existing security for the industry and research efforts at the moment."

Biotech company began the patenting of genes and the genetic material in the 1980s. More than 20 percent of the 24,000 human gene patents have been granted since then in the United States.

A gene within the human body cannot be patented. But after he is identified, removed and isolated, a company can apply for exclusive rights, use it for commercial purposes.

Only a few country-including Brazil and Chile-allow no patents on genes in any way.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

J & J cuts Tylenol maximum dose to prevent overdoses

TRENTON, n.j., (AP) - Johnson & Johnson said on Thursday that it reduces the daily dose of his extra strength Tylenol painkillers, lower risk of an accidental overdose of paracetamol, its active ingredient, and the top cause of liver failure.

The company's McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division said the change has sold one of the many extra strength Tylenol in the United States - products in short supply in stores due to a string callbacks.

From sometime this fall, labels on extra strength Tylenol packages will now list the maximum daily as six pills or a total of 3,000 mg after below from eight pills a day or 4,000 mg dose. Early next year, McNeil reduces the daily amount for its regular strength Tylenol and other adult pain reliever acetaminophen, the most widely used painkillers in the country with also.

In addition to Tylenol paracetamol painkillers Percocet and vicodin and some non-prescription pain relievers, including NyQuil is the active ingredient in the recipe and some Sudafed products. It is located in thousands of medicinal products, for headaches, fever, sore throat, and chronic pain.

But people who at one time not always recognize several medications paracetamol, which they occupy are how much, in part, because prescription drug labels often it under the symbol "Apap." List

Two years ago required that a consultant food and drug administration panel sweeping restrictions, to prevent accidental fatal overdose of paracetamol which.

Then in January, which said the FDA would the amount of paracetamol in vicodin, Percocet and other prescription painkillers to 325 mg / capsule abundance - just under half of 700 mg up to some products on the market then to. The Agency also said that it worked with pharmacies and others to develop medical standard marking for paracetamol.

"Acetaminophen is safe when used as directed," said Dr. Edwin Kuffner, McNeil of the head of the medical affairs the over-the-counter derivatives, in a statement. "McNeil is their labels for products with acetaminophen (paracetamol) in an attempt, review reduce the likelihood of an accidental overdose."

Excessive use of acetaminophen can cause liver damage. In the United States it is blamed for about 200 fatal overdoses and sends 56,000 people in the emergency room each year.

McNeil spokeswoman Bonnie Jacobs said that other manufacturers of painkillers should similar changes to their product labels.

Extra strength Tylenol is produced at a j & J factory in Las Piedras, Puerto Rico, where production has reduced for months because the FDA concerned about production and quality problems, is additional reviews and require permits before drugs can be delivered. J & j said that the movement of extra strength Tylenol ramp should to in the second half of this year and next year.

Las Piedras one of the three factories involved in most of the 25 Johnson & Johnson recalls since September 2009, with millions of bottles of Tylenol and other non-prescription drugs made by McNeil. Several prescription drugs, implants, hip and contact lenses, made from other j & J subsidiaries also have recalled.

The callbacks for problems with the quality of metal shavings and improper levels of active ingredients in some medicines to packaging with a disgusting smell, led a consent decree between McNeil and FDA this spring.

As a result are Las Piedras and a second factory in Lancaster, PA, examined additional. The third factory manufactured in Fort Washington, PA, children medications such as liquid Tylenol. It is closed since April 2010 and is gutted and completely rebuilt.

Jacobs, said that the label changes not with the callbacks are connected.

Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory

Brain Function
In the process of remembering, the brain plays a major role. The brain can be divided into left brain and right brain. Left brain functions associated with logic, numbers, writing, intelligence, calculation, analysis, and for short-term memory (short term memory). While the right brain we use for creativity, imagination, music, colors, shapes, emotions, and for long-term memory (long term memory).
More memory will last a long time if the recall using the right brain. To be able to remember well, need to train the brain to function optimally. Unfortunately, more and more people are using left brain in the process of remembering. Most people the left brain is more developed without balanced development of the right brain. Because the left brain is short-term memory, then the information stored in the left hemisphere would be more easily forgotten.
Therefore, if you want to keep in the right brain, the information must be transformed into a story or picture. Because the right brain does not recognize text or numbers. Exercise is necessary in order to develop the right brain. There are several techniques that can be done.

Total Story Technique (TST)
This technique is done by making a short story of the things we are going to memorize. For example we are going shopping at the supermarket to buy rice, shampoo, milk, chewing gum, floor cleaners, egg, soy sauce, cheese, tomato sauce, paper towels. Rather than trying to memorize it, you better make a story for these things to Dewi Sri (the goddess of legend that describes the rice paddy) was shampooing (shampoo) with a milk bath. While outside, the Mbok who was chewing gum while mopping (permbersih floor) has prepared an egg flavor soy sauce sprinkled with cheese and tomato sauce soft as tissue.
The story is completely visualized and imagined. Develop your imagination by adding color, sound, objects and motion supporting the story. For example, imagine a pink bathing place Dewi Sri milk bath, imagine the Mbok old and wearing a gray kebaya mopping page, listen to the voice chew gum in his mouth, and imagine that you taste the eggs that tasted like soy sauce, imagine the egg shape sprinkled with cheese and tomato sauce, and imagine that you can hold the egg and feel the softness of such tissue.
Make a real shadow in front of you. With the example of this story, we have trained the right brain that functions in creativity and imagination. Creativity is created when we make a short story and imagination played a role when we visualize the story.

Total Word Technique (TWT)
In this technique you want to remember information is converted into acronyms, or if the information that will be remembered is the foreign words, can be converted into words that sound almost the same. This technique is often also called mnemonics. After that, the newly created stories to be accepted by the right brain.
For example, when I have to memorize the eight planets from the nearest sun. The sequence is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. If it feels hard to memorize, can be converted into a sentence "Driving a Vespa Not Toys, Judi Urip Friends Risked".
Sentence using some of the letters before or the first syllable of the order of the planet who wants to be remembered. Riding to remember Mercury, Venus Vespa for, not for Earth's, Toys for Mars, Judi to Jupiter, to Saturn's Companions, Urip for Uranus, Neptune Risked for. By imagining the characters and that is being done, you can better remember it.

Total Number Technique (TNT)
This technique is used to remember numbers. Because the right brain does not know the figures or writing, it needs to be made a story in order to recognize the right brain. For example, you have to remember the number 212,007,217,080,205. You can turn it into a story like Wiro Sableng (212) and James Bond (007), two (2) are following the ceremonies of independence (1708) on the day of national education (0205).
However, not all combinations of numbers are numbers that have been recognized as above. For that, you can create your own story by turning it into code that can be accepted by the right brain that is in code form or sound. You can change the numbers into code form or sound like the following:Beep Code Form Code Numbers0 Ball Gosong1 Pole Shoes2 Old Duck3 Ear Butter4 Boat Screen Ketupat5 Stomach Fat Pomegranate6 Cigar Plant7 Hoe Shirt8 Glasses Board9 Racquet Road
Code and code of self-created sounds can also fit your creativity. Now you have to remember passwords such as 284 670, can be converted into a sentence:Given the Form CodeDuck (2) glasses (8) ride a sailboat (4) with right hand holding a cigar (6) and left hand holding a hoe (7) playing ball (0).
Given the Beep CodeOld man (2) buying a board (8) and diamond (4) of the person who was planting (6) clothes (7) Hirst (0).
Considering methods described above are just some examples of techniques that can be used to remember, because there are still other methods. The method given will be encouraged to continue to make you creative in creating a short story, imagining and mengimajinasikannya.
Your imagination will be more refined as you add colors in the shadow of your story, adding motion, smell, or anything else that your imagination more exciting. If you can, make a funny story or a story that does not make sense. This will help more remembered.
You can also try to teach it to children. Thus, memorization can be fun for them. It will also be a good exercise for the right brain that can spur creativity and optimize your child's brain.
If you've tried to remember with these methods, store the information in your right brain, the information will not be quickly forgotten and helps optimize brain and helps your memory. Good luck!

Is it safe Food We Eat?utri

Often, many of us ignore the dangers of food eaten. However, every year, many people suffer from diseases because of the food they eat. In countries that have high hygiene standards, each year an average of 10 to 15 percent of the population contracted the disease carried by the food they eat.
Some of the things that make unsafe food eaten that is:

Dozens of bacteria, viruses, parasites, protozoa and threatening to poison food. Food can be contaminated with harmful bacteria. Such as food stored in jars or containers that are not sealed. Or raw vegetables such as fresh vegetables are not washed first. Other causes, the meat is left at room temperature for some time though it was cooked attracts bacteria.
Processing is not clean
If the food processing done quickly, most likely less attention to hygiene factors. It could be the container for cutting raw meat and cooked meat done on the same cutting board.
Eating out
Although eating out interesting, but should remain cautious. Some restaurants do not maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen so it became a nest of germs. Or a few restaurants serve food on the table for a long time without refrigeration or storage containers tightly. Or often happens, the remaining food was served yesterday returned the next day.
Chemicals or drugs
Some chemicals or drugs given to livestock or plants. For example some of the animals were given antibiotics in order to be immune to the disease, or hormones that cattle grow faster. Bacteria in cattle is becoming more resistant, so that when consumed by humans, the germs that cause disease in humans over time will be immune to antibiotics.

Likewise, the pesticides on crops. Food can be contaminated by the remnants of pesticides or substances that are harmful or toxic.

Making Food Safe
Food-related illnesses caused by bacteria. Usually, the bacteria can be inhibited growth. To make food safer, then the food must be processed under conditions that do not allow the growth of bacteria in food or spread of pollutants in the kitchen. Here are some practical suggestions that you can do to avoid illness or danger of food is often the case.

Wash hands
This is the most practical method, ie wash hands before eating. Always wash hands with soap or cleaning with anti-septic every time you will eat or touch food.
Wash and clean cooking utensils
Always wash all cooking utensils such as cutting boards, knives, kitchen table, grated with soap and also with hot water after preparing each dish. It is more important if, after the processing of beef, chicken, or seafood is still raw with the equipment.
Wash fruits and vegetables
Although fruits and vegetables can be eaten directly, but always wash fruits and vegetables with warm water to rid it of insects and pesticide residues. If the vegetables and fruits that do not need to be peeled or eaten raw without cooking, brush the food ingredients with a vegetable brush to remove dirt and pesticide residues are attached. Leafy vegetables, like spinach, kale, and salad, washed and certainly should not contain sand and soil. Even the best move is to peel, peel, and boil so that the cleaning of foodstuffs. For example when processing lettuce and cabbage, discard the outermost leaves.
Cook meat until done
Cook all meat until cooked properly. This includes fish and chicken meat with the intent to kill harmful organisms. Beef and frozen chicken from the refrigerator should be thawed completely before cooking, so heat can penetrate through the middle.

The meat can be found tapeworm, including in fish and shellfish. Tapeworms usually affect the liver or lungs. Heat the inside of the meat to more than 70-80 degrees Celsius, albeit briefly, almost all bacteria, viruses, and parasites will die. If you want to reheat food should be done to a temperature 75 degrees Celsius or until the food becomes hot and steaming.

For example, avoid eating chicken meat inside is still pink or eggs do not mature properly. Because of the high-risk still contain harmful organisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Separate food
Separate location of food when you carry or store. Separate the meat and seafood from other food ingredients. For example separate plastic bag between the meat of your shopping with other food ingredients, especially when storing in the refrigerator.

Avoid putting cooked food on a plate that previously used to place the raw meat, unless the plate has been washed thoroughly with soap or hot water.
Eat immediately
Once the food is finished cooking, eating immediately, especially in hot regions because harmful bacteria can multiply rapidly. Tips to prepare the food long before the meal is to cool the food in the refrigerator after cooking and warm back well before serving.
Keep your kitchen clean
Kitchen hygiene should always be maintained. Consider cooking tools and cooking area. For example avoid using the footwear outside the home in the kitchen area and allow pets in the kitchen area.
Save and freeze in the refrigerator properly
Refrigerator can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, with the temperature 4 degrees Celsius. While in the freezer (frozen) should be minus 17 degrees Celsius temperature. Immediately store perishable foods in the refrigerator no later than two hours after purchase.
Discard damaged or questionable food
Perhaps you remember the last time the eggs in the refrigerator purchased. If you are not sure whether the food is damaged or not, throw the food of dubious than the disease.
Be careful when eating outdoors
When dining outdoors, you should always be careful. Approximately up to 80 percent of cases of diseases carried by food comes for buying or consuming food that is cooked and purchased outside the home.

Make sure you visit the restaurant is quite clean. If you order a steak or meat, order meat cooked until done correctly.

And if you plan to wrap food to take home, make sure that food is eaten no later than two hours after you buy it. If more than two hours, reheat food to 75 degrees Celsius or until hot and steaming.
It's definitely eating a preferred food delicious. Remember, it is not possible to make sure every time that the food eaten was safe from all dangers. But if you pay attention to the suggestions above, namely the food is prepared properly and safely, you can better enjoy your favorite dish of delicious food.

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