Saturday, 13 August 2011

Smoking in the Morning Most Dangerous

YOU are accustomed to smoke a cigarette immediately after waking in the morning should be careful. Because, you may face an increased risk of lung cancer, head and neck when compared with that of smoking during the hours afterward.

Joshua Muscat of Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, and colleagues examined the risks of smoking cigarettes in the morning. "Smokers in the morning will have a high level of nicotine content and possibly other types of tobacco toxins in the body. They may be more addicted to cigarettes," Muscat said, as quoted by the Times of India, on Monday (8 / 8).

The analysis was performed with data involving 4775 cases of lung cancer, all of which are regular smokers. When compared with those who smoke 60 minutes after waking up, those who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up 1.31 times more likely to develop lung cancer. Those who smoked within 30 minutes after waking up 1.79 times more likely to develop lung cancer.

Meanwhile, on the analysis of head and neck cancer, 1055 were included, all with a history of smoking. When compared with people who smoke 60 minutes after getting up, people who smoke

Children Vulnerable Generations Multilayar Disease

IF you are an adult living in this hi-tech age, you are probably already familiar with multitasking activities such as receiving an SMS while watching TV.

But there is a new generation that is growing and it will feel completely comfortable with this multitasking lifestyle, who are they? Yes, children. Researchers say most children aged 10-11 years has now been exposed to multilayar ie watch TV while using the iPad, smartphones, laptops, and portable video game.

It may seem as a skill, but beware of the parents because the behavior is believed to increase risk for obesity and mental health problems in children.

In this day and age, it is possible to watch TV via the internet, play computer games on a laptop, or play games on handheld devices and mobile phones while keeping in touch with friends using text messages, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, or MSN. All that can be done at the same time!

Thus, the researchers also conducted a study of 63 children aged 10-11 years. They also found that children were enjoying the activities of these multitasking and multilayar.

As quoted by the Daily Mail, Wednesday (3 / 7), Dr Russ Jago from Bristol University, said, "Children in the study had access to at least the five tools in one and most portable gadgets. This means they can easily migrate accordance with their wishes and their privacy. "

"Seeing it all, the researchers took the initiative campaigning for parents to prevent children spend watching TV. This means, we need to work together with families to develop strategies to limit the time spent on the child to always look at the monitor on any instrument, especially inside the house.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Windfall for Massachusetts hospitals is called into question

WASHINGTON (AP) - an obscure provision hidden in the health care law has become a jackpot for Massachusetts hospitals, but officials in other States are annoyed because the money from their hospitals.

That might add Medicare windfall for Massachusetts $275 million a year - you fast, more than $1.4 billion over five years.

"If I can think of a better word than outrageous, I come up with it, would", said Steve Brenton, President of the Association of Wisconsin Hospital.

The message was buried in a Medicare regulation issued Monday and comes at a time when hospitals more cuts under the new federal debt deal face.

Even Medicare says it is anxious to create stationary payment rules of "Spoofing" great rewards for a State to the detriment of the others.

Hospitals in 41 States lose money because of a change. The biggest losers: New York, which is from $ 47.5 million.

Seven countries are making progress, though do not, as well as Massachusetts. A fraction of which received Massachusetts is runner up New Jersey, to $ 54 million.

President Barack Obama health care overhaul should lead to reforms in the Byzantine Medicare payment system. Critics say that this latest twist the big players to game system in a scramble for scarce increasing taxpayer dollars will encourage.

The health care law "it was a new era Herald based on innovations that focuses on the quality improvement and more efficient health care", said Herb Kuhn, President of the Missouri hospital. "What we see is innovation in the area of editing such as the payment system."

"It undermines any notion of fairness and justice in the development of prices," said Laurens Sartoris, President of the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association. "There is someone to go through the back door a TV broadcaster is special treatment in which preserved."

No back door maneuver involved, said the head of the Massachusetts Hospital Association, to defend the change.

"We do not have this as a manipulation of the rules is displayed", said Lynn Nicholas. She said that the higher payments helps Massachusetts hospitals amendment a Medicare above one to compensate for few years, the them hundreds of millions of dollars cost.

Massachusetts Democratic Senator John Kerry, Co-sponsor of the provision in the health care law that benefited his State hospitals, was also firm.

"As (Medicare) five years ago the rules changed, won the rest of the country at our expense and Massachusetts took a big hit," Kerry said in a statement. "These new rules are only a few correction."

The American Hospital Association supported the change when debated the law. An official now says that hospitals do not understand what they got with the obscure provision.

The saga of how large Massachusetts reached might the textbook come directly from a lobbyist.

It goes back to a few years and turns and hilariously converts by the Medicare payment rules.

These rules are a factor that is used to adjust payments to hospitals for the difference in labour costs across the country. The adjustments to Medicare overall expenditure not each, result in automatic setting of potential winners and losers.

Top of that another rule says that the cost factor can be work for a hospital in an urban area of the State, less than for rural areas of that State.

Here comes a hospital on Nantucket, an island off the Massachusetts coast popular in leisure, in the image.

It served as a "critical access hospital," for their costs reimbursed by Medicare, the Government set as most hospitals a rich payment system will receive prizes.

Then, according to Kuhn, Nantucket convinced some mainland hospitals even rebooked. Mainland hospitals put it back after the same payment rules than that. What followed was a kind of domino effect.

On the Island labour costs are relatively high, she raised her rural costs in the entire State. In turn led to higher payments for urban hospitals. The island hospital was affiliated with a group of mainland hospitals, it suffered losses due to the transition could take.

The status change within the rules, said hospital Massachusetts Nicholas, the head of the Association. She said that the mainland hospitals subsidized financial loss for the island hospital.

"There was no direct payment from one to another," Nicholas said, adding that "part of a larger system which overall profitable was were, these losses could be included."

Medicare put up roadblocks to the change, and in 2008 it looked like the feds would win. Then, the health overhaul law turned the tables.

Medicare officials declined to comment. But in a different regulation this year, the agency concern with called it "Manipulation" their rules to, up to win 8 percent increase compared to a State at the expense of others.

The new payment rates effective October 1.

Other countries that come are out-ahead - Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut and New Hampshire for a variety of reasons - in Massachusetts and New Jersey. Hospitals in Wyoming break even. And hospitals were long paid Maryland under another system.

Any other State loses.

Warns, the leprosy spread in India

Six years after leprosy officially eliminated in India, explains became officials and doctors warn that spreads the disfiguring disease in poor pockets of the country.

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) in India, NATA Menabde, told AFP in an interview that almost one-third of the Indian districts urgent attention needed, to address the spread of new infections.

"There are 209 of 640 the number of new cases exceeds the WHO target of less than 10 new cases per 100,000," she said.

"India is the largest share of the global disease burden of 120 000 new cases per year," she added.

Leprosy, an old disease, which causes lesions on the skin and attacks nerves in the hands and feet, which became a disability, in 2005, according to WHO guidelines on prevalence rates officially eliminated in India explains.

WHO can Governments to explain that leprosy is no longer a public health hazard is reduced the prevalence rate among one case per 10,000 people.

Ten percent of new cases in India are children, said WHO the Menabde.

"The high incidence of children shows that the transfer rate is very high," she said, call it an early warning for the Government.

"it suggests, that can progress against leprosy can also reverse and it grow and India may also lose its position as the disease have eliminated," she said.

Vivek Pai, Director of not-for profit Bombay leprosy project, said that a sense of complacency had crept after 2005 in government policy in the direction of leprosy.

"Changed tracks too soon took their focus and now we are seeing an increase in the cases in certain pockets," he said, citing the case of Maharashtra, India's richest State and home to the national financial center of Mumbai.

"Only a few months back, which Central Leprosy Division found that the number of new cases in Maharashtra from 9-10 per 100,000 2006-07 has now risen 13 per 100,000." It is very worrying is, "he told AFP."

He said that the decline in the funding of public and private donors hurt efforts to combat the disease.

"Don't think agencies who supported us, that it is no longer important." It is a big problem. We do not turn away patients, but we are forced treatment delayed due to funding constraints, "he said."

Pai said that leprosy which most victims come from a low socio-economic background and fear they will be stigmatized by their community when news of her illness is public.

"Many people, with new infections to us come life in busy places such as Dharavi, a huge slum in Mumbai." Hygiene, overcrowding, poverty, all for the environment, which the leprosy thrive contribute ", he said."

"Then there is the stigma around the disease, which is one of the reasons people hesitate to submit and sign, if they have symptoms."

Yohei Sasakawa, who said WHO Goodwill Ambassador for leprosy elimination since 2001, that India had to do more, to the discrimination against leprosy patients handle.

"What we need to do is awareness that it is a medical and social challenge now." There are many invisible customs, those which we must fight, "he told AFP."

"The numerical target was reached in 2005 a great success for India, but it is only a medium-term objective." We do not the battle still won, "he said."

Austria debates abortion in public hospitals

A call for wider access to abortion in Austria seen has tempers flare, rekindling a debate over whether it is a right and whether public should offer the procedure hospitals.

"Pregnancy terminations in each region to be offered," said Health Minister Alois Stöger in an interview with the weekly news, drawing a heated response from several political parties and physician.

Redundancies in Austria offer pregnancy according to Ministry 29 public hospitals and clinics, but these are all concentrated in the East of the country, with no one in the Western provinces of Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

And while a handful private practitioners provide the procedure in the West, the costs are inevitably higher than in public hospitals.

"A whole group of people, i.e. women, is not seriously taken if Western Austria this option (abortion) does not exist," said the Social Democrat Stöger news.

"Women have the right to decide whether she have a cancellation or not want," he added, and threatened to withhold any government money, if access has not expanded public hospitals.

"Implementation of abortion is not the role of the public hospitals, and it will stay this way" fumed Vorarlberg Vice-Governor Markus Wallner reaction.

"Abortion is obliged to not state" Karlheinz head of the conservative people's Party, the Social Democrats coalition partner in the Government, during the Austrian Medical Association "alarming" link added to access abortion with the allocation of State resources as.

For many critics in the most Catholic country is also the basic legality pregnancy abort in case of doubt.

A 1975 law indicates only that abortion is "not subject to sanctions", if carried out within the first three months of pregnancy or in the case of a serious health concerns for the mother or child.

The text is known as the "grace period solution" (abortion) rather than the "abortion law."

The far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) was the law "only says that the killing of unborn life is free from sanctions, but it remains illegal."

"There is no such thing as a right to abortion," FPOe Deputy, the Dagmar Belakowitsch Jenewein in response to the Stoeger would added proposal while the President of the Medical Association warned it "ethically questionable to force doctors to perform abortions against their will."

The people's Party and little surprisingly is the Catholic Church called for further measures to promote family life, and promote women to keep their child.

Proposals have been the Stoeger but on the other side of the political spectrum from his fellow Social Democrats, green opposition and the media, who warned welcomes the risks of looking for an abortion from illegal practitioners.

The Social Democrat said "Women have a right to self-determination over their body and should not be hampered by inadequate medical facilities," Minister for women's Affairs, Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek.

Although no official statistics exist, it is estimated that some 30,000 abortions each year occur in Austria.

An abortion can cost between 300 and 800 euros ($ 425-1,130) and in contrast to some other European countries everywhere, not covered by health insurance.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Medicare prescription will increase premiums in the year 2012.

WASHINGTON (AP) - the Obama management had good news for seniors Thursday: the average monthly premium for the Medicare is not popular prescription program by next year.

Many seniors can see even a jump in their costs, in particular, if they Open registration season autumn shop around.

Officials credited increased use of generic drugs and competition within the program, which is delivered by private insurance. Medicare expected also in a coming bonanza to share, such as a number of top-selling brand name drugs generic competition next year or so.

The projects of health and Human Services Department the average premium for 2012 about $30 per month, from $30.76 this year are hardly changed.

Because the 2012 estimate is average, it is not premiums for each. Some seniors can increase you find below. But they are options. Bargains of lots of should be open registration available in the season.

Officials also said that 900,000 Medicare recipients with high drug costs is a discount of 50% on brand name drugs in this year a benefit of President Barack Obama health care righthave received. This number will grow to keep as more people into the coverage gap known as the doughnut hole fall throughout the year. Health law includes to and after the gap.

Medicare covers some 47 million seniors and people with disabilities. Overall 9 out of 10 recipients have a kind of prescription drug plan. Some still benefits through their former employers. But more than half the recipe program, also known as part D.

Published a new study by the journal of the American Medical Association found prescription set off some of its costs for the taxpayer savings for the Government, as well as seniors of the program.

It estimated that of the drug Medicare use on average $1200 per year for each senior stored, which had no cover or insufficient services, before the program was launched in 2006 in the life. Most of these came from reduced hospital and nursing home costs, provisions helped to keep people healthier.

That translates into an average annual savings of $12 billion, the study said that about 20 percent of the 55 billion dollar, spend taxpayers for the program balance.

Japan team produced sperm from mouse stem cells

Tokyo (AP) - a team of scientists reported producing viable sperm stem cells of mice in an experiment that researchers hope, could one day lead to treatment of infertile men.

The Kyoto University researchers managed to induce mice stem cells in the creation of sperm source materials that have been transplanted in infertile male mouse. The mice then produced sperm, which was successfully used to fertilize the eggs in a laboratory dish.

The offspring were healthy and fertile, according to a paper online Thursday in the scientific journal cellreleased.

Members of the research team, led by Mitinori Saitou, said that they believe that their success in the development of treatments infertility can help the people, although they said that many hurdles remain.

"We high hopes, but it's not easy," said Saitou associated press by telephone Friday from Kyotoin the Western Japan. "There are many difficult issues ahead in applying this to the people." "But it is a first step."

Experts outside the group say that it is an important first step in the direction of infertility treatment, although it a long way.

"This is a very good experiment for treatment of infertile man but a very, very long way, thinking about it", said Toshio Suda, developmental biology professor at Keio University.

He said the Kyoto team findings were a great job, but it is not just the maturity currently prepare sperm. If some barriers be deleted, it could successfully identify "what gene is very important to prepare for the sperm."

Drug found ineffective for Veterans' stress

Jae C. Hong/associated press

A United States Navy maintained, psychological tests at the Marine Corps Air ground combat Center in Twentynine palms, California, in 2009 to take.

Generally prescribed drugs for the treatment of severe post-traumatic stress symptoms for veterans are not more effective than placebo and come with serious side effects including weight gain and fatigue, researchers on Tuesday reported.

The amazing statement, from the largest study of its kind in veterans, challenges current treatment standards so directly, that it could soon change some experts to practice said.

Ten to 20 per cent of those who get under heavy fight developing permanent symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, and one-fifth of the treatment for a recipe for a so-called antipsychotic drugs, according to government figures.

The new study, published in the journal of the American Medical Association, focused on a drug, RISPERDAL. But experts said that their results will most likely expand to the entire class, including drugs such as Geodon, Seroquel and Abilify.

"I think it is a very important study" given how often the drugs were prescribed, said Dr. Charles Hoge, was senior scientist at the Walter Reed Army Institute of research, not involved in the study, but wrote him a document accompanying editorial. He added: "it is certainly in question make the use of antipsychotics in General for PTSD calls."

The use of such drugs has grown in the last decade, as thousands of soldiers and Marines have found that their post traumatic stress symptoms supports drugs not respond to antidepressants, the only one by the scientific evidence for the disease. Doctors have to antipsychotics, transformed the mood, extend treatment, almost entirely on their experiences with them and how they operate expect based strongly influence.

To test these assumptions, 123 veterans with the disease start a therapy, a team of researchers with the Veterans Affairs medical system had joined their treatment RISPERDAL added. Some patients, others in the Iraq or Afghanistan; served in Viet Nam, Antidepressant tried all treatments and little help found.

After six months of treatment actions these veterans no better than a similar group of 124 veterans, the placebo received. Restored around 5 percent in both groups, and 10 to 20 percent reported at least some improvement is based on standardized measures.

"There is no suggestion that the medication was an overall benefit to their lives," said Dr. John H. Krystal, the Director of the Division of Clinical Neurosciences of the Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD and main author of the study.

Dr. Krystal said the benefits that many doctors thought, they were always of the drugs "may be treatment, came from establishing just the patient, not the drugs." He said that Neuroleptics features, as well as post-traumatic symptoms could help certain individuals with psychotic but that the study was not designed to identify them.

The findings come at a time when the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs burden to offer treatment, service members who are not only concerned about the stigma of mental illness, but are also often skeptical return the value of the treatment. Surveys have found that this thought treatment need only about half actually find it.

Yet studies indicate that talk therapy, alone or in combination with antidepressants, speed up the liberation of common symptoms such as nightmares & withdrawn behavior. Tends to be relaxation skills include these psychotherapy; incrementally increased exposure to stress triggers; and on some inaccurate assumptions, the fear of fuel pump.

Time should also take into account, be new research has found. "We find that is about 24 months after an a year deployment of enough" for the body even physiologically reset, Dr. Hoge said.

Number of autopsies performed in United States falls

Thursday, Aug. 4 HealthDay News)-the autopsy rate in the United States by about a fifth to an in the 10 Americans from 1972 to 2007, according to a new study of the Federal Republic declined.

This accounts for a 58% drop between 1972 and 2007, from 19.3% to 8.5% of the deaths, noted researchers.

In 1972, 79% of autopsies accounted for death as a result of disease, while due to external causes such as injuries or murder death accounted for 19%. 2007, The respective percentages were found 46% and 50%, the investigators.

External causes of death-including murder, unintentional injuries, suicide or unknown cause-nine of the 10 most common unrolled and Autopsied causes of death in 2007 represented.

In 2007 decreased autopsy rates with age of 60% of 15-up 24-year-55.8% in the 25 to 34 age, 11% according the age people the death of 55 to 64, and 4.2% at the age of 65 to 74, to the study of the National Center for health statistics at the US Centers for disease control and prevention.

The study also reported that while the number of deaths among older people increased from 1972 to 2007 unrolled and Autopsied increasingly deaths in the age groups 1 to 34 and 35 to 64 were concentrated.

Although 91% of deaths in the United States were caused in 2007 due to illness, death from complications of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium (the State of a woman during and up to six weeks after birth) only clustered disease see the 10 most common unrolled and Autopsied was causes of death.

Slightly more than half were deaths from complications of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium 2007 led.

Reasons for changing autopsy prices are deaths, according to the report can be obtained which not clear, but on hospital of accreditation standards, to investigate State laws concerning the deaths and regulations since 1972 study infants.

No increase in the Medicare drug premiums in 2012

By Steven Reinberg
HealthDay reporter

Thursday, Aug. 4 HealthDay News)-in the year 2012, the average Medicare Premium seniors pay for their prescription drugs actually something US officials Thursday announced drop.

Overall the average premium cost of Medicare Part D plan must representatives from the U.S. Department of health and human said services (HHS), during a press conference in the afternoon prescription drug in 2012 are about $30, a modest drop from $30.76 paid on average in the year 2011.

How is the plan in a position to keep premiums down? According to officials take advantage of program benefits plans and the increased use of generic drugs Medicares popular drug from competition between private insurance cheaper. And they say that this situation in the future could get rosier as more blockbuster drugs be stated, that in the next few years go generic.

In addition, this year said almost 900,000 Medicare patients, the drop in the prescription drug donut hole-where costs are covered non-- a 50% discount got on their drugs to help ease that financial hardship, HHS officials so far.

Agency Secretary Kathleen Sebelius credited to the Obama management of health care reform efforts with much cost savings seniors.

"Affordable care Act strengthens a very critical Medicare program and help millions of seniors and Americans with disabilities receive the care they need," she said. "Thanks to the new discounts, beneficiaries hundreds of millions of dollars in the Medicare Part D save coverage gap, known as premiums covered the donut-hole at the same time as part D," she said.

Overall, health financing savings on drugs for Medicare patients rose $ 461 million until June 2011, health officials said. This is an increase of $ 260 million by May 2011, meaning that Medicare patients in the donut hole saved in June alone more than $200 million.

"Also, millions of people in Medicare have advantage of potentially life-saving prevention, such as breast and colorectal cancer screenings, drawn without co or deductibles," Sebelius noted. An important part of health care reform, the package was expanded access to preventive health services and HHS says, which so far this year have received more than 17 million Medicare recipients such free services, while a further million patients taken advantages of the free annual wellness visits.

Sebelius indicates that there is still room for improvement, but show. "There are still gaps in coverage, especially in prescription drugs," she said. To have said Sebelius in four seniors, they skip drugs or pills halve or fill prescriptions not, because they cannot afford their medications.

"The affordable care Act number words still this gap until donut-hole is closed in the year 2020," said Sebelius. "No senior should have to choose, that they need between medications to healthy and putting food on their table."

Not everyone was impressed with the new statistics however.

"I like the fact that premiums be kept down", John C. said Goodman, President of the National Center for policy analysis, a Washington, DC-based conservative think tank. "It proves once again that competition works;" "and this is a good model, as opposed to the Government or a base price set to follow."

But the rest of the HSS notice was not good news, he claimed. "What we do is, we humans give advantages which we can afford, and, have the dubious health value, it is truncated white editions, at a time when Congress," said Goodman.

And Michael F. Cannon, health policy Director of studies at the conservative Cato Institute, also in Washington, D.C., called the part D Notice "the latest in an endless string of Valentines administration at Medicare subscribers who sent Obama."

He believes that "your more responsible senior citizens are concerned that Medicare is going to their children and grandchildren bankruptcy."

You grant Medtronic type Yale review-bone-growth data

Severe control in one of his bone-growth products faced, Medtronic announced on Wednesday, that it was where to Yale to a complete review of the study data to monitor a $2.5 million grant, which examines the safety and efficacy of the product.

In June infusion called a medical journal charged that researchers sponsored by Medtronic had generated misleading studies about the product, their benefits that set too high and argued that there no risks.

The infusion is used primarily in spinal fusion, a procedure in which the vertebrae to back pain to reduce associated a biotechnological material. Industry analysts have speculated that decreased sales of infusion, as the magazine, the spine journal, its special issue on the product.

Experts said that Medtronic of action that first time, which would make a medical device maker on the underlying and detailed patient data from company-sponsored studies of independent experts was, so she could check and their own conclusions.

Generally companies release only summaries this information, a practice that can hamstring the ability of the experts to check it.

The infusion of about a quarter of the estimated 432,000 spinal mergers in the United States annually carried out was used.

When special edition appeared the spine journal, the company announced that it publishing assertions would respond to information by performing a review of all study infusion-related.

Under the plan announced Friday Yale is provided by Medtronic $2.5 million, use mount Panel of external experts, which will check the Commission then two scientifically recognised research institutes of the company data.

Dr. Harlan Krumholz, a cardiologist at Yale, which will oversee the efforts, said that Medtronic of decision was groundbreaking because it would allow independent researchers to assess the underlying data to support the safety and efficacy of the product.

"Published data is often important information missing", said Dr. O'Connor.

Dr. Eugene Carragee, editor of the spine journal, said he was pleased that Medtronic officials had decided to release the data.

The plan will be together on the study data for other researchers with the groups access, keeps the Yale.

Dr. Carragee, Professor at Stanford University, said that he remained concerned that little study data there for an important use of infusion, a type of spinal fusion, because a study of the application were already stopped when patients suffered complications.

Still, he added, Medtronic, the decision was "a big step in the right direction".

Infusion side effects include infection, bone loss, unwanted bone growth and male sterility.

A stronger version of infusion as step up, was rejected recently for approval by the food and drug due to concerns about possible Cancer risks.

Together with the current issue of the spine journal that leads Ministry of justice a criminal investigation of the Medtronic the marketing of the product and a Senate Committee performs also a request.

Medtronic has not been accused of any wrongdoing, and defended, researchers who have carried out research on infusion their results.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Missing link, scientists can have found to common brain cancer

Thursday, Aug. 4 HealthDay News)-A map of genetic mutations associated with the second most common form of brain cancer seems the biological cause of tumors, researchers report show.

Created protein-coding genes in seven samples of tissue from oligodendroglioma tumors the card by sequencing and focused on recurrent mutations in two genes (CIC and FUBP1), previously not these types of tumors associated with.

The genes appear the missing link in the "two hit" theory of cancer development, so the scientists. That is, each cell in the body has two copies of the 23 pairs of chromosomes, the thousands of genes, to produce the protein. If a copy is missing, the other copy for the lack of protein can form. But if the second copy fails, it can be cancer.

Scientists have known for years, that's "first hit" in Oligodendrogliomas in regions 1 and 19, which together, causing the loss of many genes chromosomes will be shown.

In this study, researchers found mutations in the CIC and FUBP1 on chromosomes 1 and 19, suggesting that they cause the "second hit" cancer required are.

Further mutations in the Genentech-the cell processes signal rules-samples have been found in an additional 27 tumor . All of the tumor samples in the study analyzed two thirds of CIC and FUBP1 mutations, had, said the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center scientists.

"If we find gene that mutates in the most tumors, it is likely that the way by this gene is regulated crucial for the development and the biology of the tumor," Nickolas Papadopoulos, Associate Professor of Oncology, said in a press release Center.

The study appears in the journal scienceAug. 4.

About 20 percent of the brain is Oligodendrogliomas, making mostly in age from 30 to 45 and in most cases on the frontal lobe in cells that are to coat the neurons. Treatment includes surgery, followed by chemotherapy and radiation. Median survival is 10 years.

Many military vets in College plagued by thoughts of suicide

By Alan Mozes
HealthDay reporter

Thursday, Aug. 4 HealthDay News)-American veterans that he are College maintained much more likely thoughts of suicide as fellow students are never in the military, a recent national survey.

Data from the survey a grave picture of the draws these students mental health: almost half say all veterinarians currently in higher education, they have as suicide at some point in their lives, while a fifth say they have plans to go with him, by actually made.

Such numbers exceed far estimates the suicidal tendencies among the college students, never in the military, were noted the research team.

"The data show that the problems soldiers while on active duty at the end when they disconnect from the service", said study author David Rudd, of the National Center for Veterans of studies at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. "But still a large number of students veterans significant problems, including post traumatic stress -Symptome and suicide risk have."

"The reported rate of suicide attempts among student veterans six times the population general student was," Rudd said, "and the message"heavy"Selbstmordgedanken--those thinking about suicide with a plan-more than three times the population was a general student."

Slated, to its results present Rudd and his colleagues Thursday at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.

2011 Survey from a national student veteran coalition known as student veterans of America responses from 525 veterans currently enrolled in the school.

About 80% of the respondents were men, and the average age of respondents was 26. There were about three quarters White had (a percentage that represents the actual racist background of today's military), and almost all in the Iraq or supplied in Afghanistan. And about 60% said they actual struggle in one or other arena were exposed to.

The results: 46% said she had suicide at any given time as, and more than 10% said that she had it not infrequently as. Almost 8% said that she actually had tried suicide, while almost 4%, that she said a trial most likely considered or likely.

Underlines the seriousness of the problem, said the research team that interpret such numbers indicate that the role which is suicide in life playing student veterans comparable with - or perhaps even more dire-- as the role it plays under the larger pool of vets of all ages, the current mental health care in a VA Medical Center setting.

Rudd and his team also noticed that the results of the survey are particularly striking compared with 2010 data filled with the American College Health Association. This data showed that the population General College, only 6% of the enrolled students said that she had "seriously" considered suicide into account. The same data showed that just over 1% of the non-vet students has attempted suicide.

The results of the survey asked the authors this college advise to increase Guide and screening clinics for trauma and programs, to cope with suicidal tendencies among students with a military background.

"The importance of early and effective treatment can be overemphasized as 8% of coverage, that serious suicidal symptoms reported also heavy post traumatic stress disorder," said Rudd. "One of the primary worry is, whether college campuses are adequately prepared to handle the fight with combat trauma related."

Mark Kaplan, Professor of community health with the school of community health at Portland State University in Oregon, thinks that they are not.

"The transition from the military in civilian life is often quite difficult," he said. "Veterans come back and are faced with financial problems, family problems, and intimate partner issues, in addition to the trauma, which while might have seen you in the military." "So, based on own work of I am convinced that the risk of dying from suicide in fact among veterans, not just the recent but is veterans as well as higher in the middle ages."

"This is a very difficult issue-one of the most complex public health issues, which I ever about, come", Kaplan added. "And I think it is safe to say that I do not think that we are really ready yet, to manage it well." In particular are not part of the universities, which absorb many of these veterans in their classrooms. "Of course our mental health centres on the campus need to do a better job."

Because the research on a medical meeting is presented, it should be considered published provisional until in a medical journal.

'Belt dash US' may ' sepsis belt'

Thursday, Aug. 4 HealthDay News)-people living in a region of South-Eastern United States known as the"stroke belt" is known, that have significantly higher stroke deaths as the rest of the country. New research shows that these people are also vulnerable to sepsis, a severe illness in which bacteria overwhelmed the blood stream.

"In 2010, we have death rates of sepsis in the United States," said Dr. Henry Wang, Associate Professor and Vice Chair of research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Department of emergency medicine. "They put on the map, we saw that the States with highest sepsis mortality a cluster in the South-East of the United States, made closely mirror the appearance of the stroke belt."

The "stroke belt" covers 11 States from Louisiana to Virginia.

Sepsis, triggered by infections such as meningitis and bacterial pneumoniacan cause shock, organ failure and death. In the United States sepsis caused around 200 000 deaths and 750 000 hospitalizations every year, similar as the number of deaths from breast cancer and heart disease, UAB researchers said in a press release.

Wang said that he plans to further research into why life in the South-Eastern United States of this increased risk of sepsis is associated with.

"There are many possible causes for this geographical cluster," Wang said. "Possibilities are diet, behavior genetics and even the environment and air pollution pre-existing medical conditions, health,."

He said he hoped that the new research will lead to new ways to prevent sepsis.

--Mary Elizabeth Dallas

MedicalNewsCopyright © 2011 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

Source: University of Alabama at Birmingham, press release, 29 July 2011

Study sheds light on auditory role in dyslexia

Many people consider simply a reading problem in which children confuse letters and written words misconstrue dyslexia . But more and more scientists have come to believe that the difficulties reading, are dyslexia of part of a larger puzzle: a problem with how the brain handles line speech and words by smaller units of sound.

Now, last week in the journal Science published according to study how Dyslexics learn language more important than can be realized before. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of technology found that people with dyslexia recognize more problems have votes than those without dyslexia.

John Gabrieli, Professor of cognitive neuroscience and Tyler Perrachione, a student asked people with and without dyslexia, listen to recorded voices combined with cartoon avatars on computer screens. The subjects tried matching Mandarin is the voices of the correct avatars in English and then an unknown language.

Nondyslexics was tuned voices avatars correctly almost 70 percent of the time, as the English language, and half of the time, as the language was Mandarin. But people with dyslexia have the time to do so only half, if was the English language or Mandarin. Experts of the study is not involved, said, that one was striking differences.

"In General, see variation in reading, but there are only subtle general differences between people with dyslexia, people on a variety of tests, are not", said Richard Wagner, a Professor of psychology at Florida State University. "This effect was really great."

Dr. Sally Shaywitz, Director of the Center for dyslexia and creativity at Yale University, said the study "demonstrates the centrality of the spoken language in dyslexia - that it is no problem in meaning, but always to the sounds of speech."

That's why dyslexic children often two examples from real life spoke misspeak, citing. "A child at Fenway Park, watch the Red Sox said, ' Oh, I'm thirsty." Can we go in the confession stand?, "she said."

"" Another person of a busy intersection cross, where many people went said "Oh, the Presbyterians should be more careful." "It is not to know of no doubt, but unable to add what you know is the importance to the sound."

Dr. Gabrieli said the results pointed out a critical problem for dyslektischen children learning to read: listen to the ability of a child, parent or teacher talk connection the auditory bits, the words form called phonemes, with the sight of written words.

If a child has trouble, grab the sounds that said language he form, it will be more difficult to acquire reading skills.

Research shows that shortcomings even as Dyslexic learn spoken language to read well. The subjects were mostly "high function, high IQ young adults who had to overcome their reading difficulties", said Dr. Gabrieli. "And yet if they were voting to distinguish, they were better with the English voices that their lives have heard not one iota."

Experts said that the new study shows the networking of the brain processes involved in reading. Many scientists had found, speech recognition will be "like detection melodies or things that are non-verbal in the first place", said Dr. Gabrieli. Speech recognition was regarded as a separate task in the brain of understanding language.

But, this research shows that a normal reading "Circuit, which includes ability, all of these components completely automatically have integrated", said MaryAnne Wolf, a dyslexia expert at Tufts University. With other aspects of the language are "One of the major flaws in dyslexia is that the system not in a position to integrate these phoneme-based systems".

As a follow-up the m.i.t.-brains, scientists have topics to perform speech recognition and other activities, been scanning and have found "very large differences in Dyslexic" and Nondyslexics with surprisingly diverse tasks, said Dr. Gabrieli. "We might think it a broader kind of learning, which is not very good at these people and that in some areas you very well can handle it." "But in the language and read, it's hard to get around."

One of the unusual aspects of the m.i.t.-study is that it is the ability of processing vocal speech of reading and skills, which isolated the meaning of language, experts said. The sentences were fundamental, such as "the young it was when the Sun rose" and the Mandarin sounds meant nothing to the listeners.

Dr. Wagner proposed that such a thing as the speech recognition task can be used, to identify young children at risk for dyslexia.

Often diagnostic tests require sounds of words separating. A child may be asked to "young" say "Cowboy" without the part.

"For young children, it is really difficult," Dr. Wagner said. "Sometimes they are" cowboy without saying: young, "say, because that is exactly, what you asked them." "The Holy Grail is to come up with tasks that you can give a 3-year-old."

Dr. Shaywitz said that the study has also implications for the classroom.

""When a teacher asked,"' Oh, Johnny, what is the capital of New York?," Johnny go, "uh, uh, uh," and the teacher will say: "Oh, gee, don't you" "Dr. Shaywitz said.It is rather a problem of Word retrieval as will know. If it it as, reframes ' Houston or Albany is the capital city?, "Johnny is more likely correct answer."

Vital signs: screening: mammography seen ineffective in Europe

An analysis of data from six European countries suggests that mammography had screening has no effect on breast cancer -Mortalität.

Deaths from breast cancer significantly industrialized to countries in most declined, but it is difficult to know how much of the decline due to early detection, treatment or the efficiency of health systems.

Researchers used a natural experiment in three pairs of countries. Some, initiated regular mammography screening much earlier than others, but their health systems and socio-economic levels were nearly identical. The countries that for the comparison were paired in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland; the Netherlands and Belgium; and Sweden and Norway.

The study, published in the British medical journal BMJ, found online July 28, that in all three cases, previous implementation of screening had no effect on mortality. For example, in Northern Ireland, screening was introduced in the early 1990s, and 75 percent of the women got 1995, mammography. In the Republic of Ireland screening was introduced until 2000, and it was not until 2008 that showed 76% of the population. From 1989 to 2006, breast cancer mortality were 29.6 percent in Northern Ireland and by 26.7 per cent in Ireland.

"We were surprised and very sad to find that breast cancer screening does not work," said Dr. Philippe Autier, lead author. "We had expected to find the opposite."

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