Monday, 8 August 2011

Many military vets in College plagued by thoughts of suicide

By Alan Mozes
HealthDay reporter

Thursday, Aug. 4 HealthDay News)-American veterans that he are College maintained much more likely thoughts of suicide as fellow students are never in the military, a recent national survey.

Data from the survey a grave picture of the draws these students mental health: almost half say all veterinarians currently in higher education, they have as suicide at some point in their lives, while a fifth say they have plans to go with him, by actually made.

Such numbers exceed far estimates the suicidal tendencies among the college students, never in the military, were noted the research team.

"The data show that the problems soldiers while on active duty at the end when they disconnect from the service", said study author David Rudd, of the National Center for Veterans of studies at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. "But still a large number of students veterans significant problems, including post traumatic stress -Symptome and suicide risk have."

"The reported rate of suicide attempts among student veterans six times the population general student was," Rudd said, "and the message"heavy"Selbstmordgedanken--those thinking about suicide with a plan-more than three times the population was a general student."

Slated, to its results present Rudd and his colleagues Thursday at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.

2011 Survey from a national student veteran coalition known as student veterans of America responses from 525 veterans currently enrolled in the school.

About 80% of the respondents were men, and the average age of respondents was 26. There were about three quarters White had (a percentage that represents the actual racist background of today's military), and almost all in the Iraq or supplied in Afghanistan. And about 60% said they actual struggle in one or other arena were exposed to.

The results: 46% said she had suicide at any given time as, and more than 10% said that she had it not infrequently as. Almost 8% said that she actually had tried suicide, while almost 4%, that she said a trial most likely considered or likely.

Underlines the seriousness of the problem, said the research team that interpret such numbers indicate that the role which is suicide in life playing student veterans comparable with - or perhaps even more dire-- as the role it plays under the larger pool of vets of all ages, the current mental health care in a VA Medical Center setting.

Rudd and his team also noticed that the results of the survey are particularly striking compared with 2010 data filled with the American College Health Association. This data showed that the population General College, only 6% of the enrolled students said that she had "seriously" considered suicide into account. The same data showed that just over 1% of the non-vet students has attempted suicide.

The results of the survey asked the authors this college advise to increase Guide and screening clinics for trauma and programs, to cope with suicidal tendencies among students with a military background.

"The importance of early and effective treatment can be overemphasized as 8% of coverage, that serious suicidal symptoms reported also heavy post traumatic stress disorder," said Rudd. "One of the primary worry is, whether college campuses are adequately prepared to handle the fight with combat trauma related."

Mark Kaplan, Professor of community health with the school of community health at Portland State University in Oregon, thinks that they are not.

"The transition from the military in civilian life is often quite difficult," he said. "Veterans come back and are faced with financial problems, family problems, and intimate partner issues, in addition to the trauma, which while might have seen you in the military." "So, based on own work of I am convinced that the risk of dying from suicide in fact among veterans, not just the recent but is veterans as well as higher in the middle ages."

"This is a very difficult issue-one of the most complex public health issues, which I ever about, come", Kaplan added. "And I think it is safe to say that I do not think that we are really ready yet, to manage it well." In particular are not part of the universities, which absorb many of these veterans in their classrooms. "Of course our mental health centres on the campus need to do a better job."

Because the research on a medical meeting is presented, it should be considered published provisional until in a medical journal.


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