Tokyo (AP) - a team of scientists reported producing viable sperm stem cells of mice in an experiment that researchers hope, could one day lead to treatment of infertile men.
The Kyoto University researchers managed to induce mice stem cells in the creation of sperm source materials that have been transplanted in infertile male mouse. The mice then produced sperm, which was successfully used to fertilize the eggs in a laboratory dish.
The offspring were healthy and fertile, according to a paper online Thursday in the scientific journal cellreleased.
Members of the research team, led by Mitinori Saitou, said that they believe that their success in the development of treatments infertility can help the people, although they said that many hurdles remain.
"We high hopes, but it's not easy," said Saitou associated press by telephone Friday from Kyotoin the Western Japan. "There are many difficult issues ahead in applying this to the people." "But it is a first step."
Experts outside the group say that it is an important first step in the direction of infertility treatment, although it a long way.
"This is a very good experiment for treatment of infertile man but a very, very long way, thinking about it", said Toshio Suda, developmental biology professor at Keio University.
He said the Kyoto team findings were a great job, but it is not just the maturity currently prepare sperm. If some barriers be deleted, it could successfully identify "what gene is very important to prepare for the sperm."
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