Saturday, 23 July 2011

103 Km with the sharks to swim ready

Nicole Bengiveno, the New York Times

Long-term goal Diana Solstice, a marathon swimmer, hopes that the first person from Cuba to key will to cross West without a shark cage. «More photos»

KEY WEST, FLA. -Every day, Diana Solstice is set out to do something, no athlete has ever done: swimming, all day and all night then all day and all night, then all day again.

Are swim about 60 hours in the roiling sea, 103 km of the Florida straits from Cuba to key West. Every hour and a half, stops water for a few minutes to enter it, as she gulps down a liquid mixture of predigested protein and an occasional bit of banana or BLOB eating peanut butter. You most probably hallucinating and endure the spines of many jellyfish. On the way, is sea salt swell their tongue of cartoonish proportions and rub their skin raw.

"it is absurd, outrageous against most, incredible physical endurance activity, certainly, in my life", Steven Muñatonessaid an open-water swimmer, who runs the Organization of open water source and serves as independent observers swim during Mrs Solstice. "I can't imagine being in the ocean for 60 hours." I can not imagine, to do something for 60 hours. It is inconceivable. "It's easy."

"Especially," he added, "at her age."

Her age is 61. Mrs Solstice trying this swimming once before, without success, 1978 at the age of 28. She, to the harsh weather and high-performance current far away course pushed sponge in a shark cage for 41 minutes her and had to give up. It had only 50 miles traveled. (A year later sponge 102 miles of the Bimini in the Bahamas, Jupiter, Florida, without a shark cage.) (She keeps always still the record for the world's longest Ocean swim.)

This time armed with better technology and battered but hard body, she will certainly make it. "Physically, I'm much stronger than I was before, although I was faster in my twenties,", said Ms. Solstice, that is robust enough to a linebacker defy looks. "I feel strong, high-performance and endurance-wise, I am fit".

Dr. Michael j. Joyner, Professor of anesthesia and exercise research at the Mayo Clinic, agrees that older athletes, especially excellent ones, do well in endurance sports, as experience and training of the need for speed can make up for.

52 Jeannie Longo still counts as top competitive cyclists. Gordie Howe played in his 50's, and Jack Lalanne was 60, if swam it from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman's Wharf, in San Francisco, a second time, handcuffed, shackled and haul a 1,000-pound boat. Swimming is powered especially technology that greatly help Mrs Solstice.

"There are a ton of examples of people in their late 50's and early 60's in all kinds of wild things,", said Dr. Joyner. "If the logistics work for blocking bad it's feasible storms and currents." There is no sure thing. "But it would be a sure thing it would be Michael Phelps."

If Mrs Solstice from Cuba makes difficult to key West, have done the first person without a shark cage. Completed in 1997 by an Australian woman swimming in a shark cage. But with a boot of the vehicle pull, the swimming is easier and faster; the woman, which it completed in less than 24 hours.

"I'm in uncharted territory," said Mrs Solstice.

This time, takes wife Solstice, an accomplished Marathon swimmer and Sportscaster, no chance. You taught and half - harder - for one year and changed their therapy. Instead of every day, they swim swimming every other day. Last year, she completed a 24-hour swim in Mexico.

Thus their success, they an armada of people organised - 22 in all - as your support team to serve. All of them travels to Cuba, visa in your hand, and will try to arrive three days after their swimming. (Shoots was last year because of the difficulties, Visa cancelled.)

"This is the part that really interests me about Diana," said Mr Muñatones. "It is not only the swimming part." There are people who can swim the. But they have not the passionate, organisational and political oratorical skills, which she has. "

It has also technology on their side: satellites, global positioning systems, navigation software, advanced even shark of shields, of which none in 1978 were available. For all of this costs $500,000. She raised funds and their own bank account with depleted, but it is still $150,000 short. Mrs Solstice, a commentator for the Los Angeles-based public radio station KCRW, shrugs it off.

"If I wind up to $150,000 in debt, I sleep about it not lose", she said.

At the moment, find four experts seven days in advance to locate the ideal weather for her, to Cuba and Wade in the Ocean: a satellite oceanographer and meteorologist trained at the whim of the Gulf stream; working an another meteorologist for CNN; and two officials at NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The slowdown, hope you are all for the beginning of a low pressure system, sea, for a few days could create a tension water level.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: 20 July 2011

An article on Tuesday about Diana Solstice, prepared to swim from Cuba to Florida at the age of 61 falsified their professional role. She is a commentator for the Los Angeles-based public radio station KCRW; It works not for national public radio.

Personal best: for runners, can be soft soil on the body

Hirofumi Tanaka, an exercise physiologist at the University of Texas at Austin, bristles, when he carved out of the grass sees dirt paths along cobbled cycling or routes running. The paths are created by runners, who think they soft ground protects against injury.

Dr. Tanaka, a runner once tried it yourself. He was primarily of an knee injury, and an orthopedic surgeon told him to stay away from hard surfaces such as asphalt roads, and instead run on softer surfaces such as grass or dirt. So he ran on a dirt path that an asphalt cycle path had beaten runner in the grass together.

The result? "I twisted my ankle and tightened my injury while running on the soft, irregular surface," he said.

In the aftermath of his accident, Dr. Tanaka, he said not could find no scientific evidence, a softer surface is beneficial for runners, other experts asked he could. In fact, said it also make sense to think that runners on soft surfaces that are hard to smooth, are often irregular, rather get violated it.

His experience makes me wonder. Is there a good reason why many runners think a soft surface is smooth at their feet and limbs? Or this is another example for a common errors, we all trust, what seems like common sense and never make the questions whether the conventional wisdom is correct?

Perhaps, a runner who is like me, the ground with their forefoot instead of their heel, may risk more injuries on soft ground. Every time I push off on a soft surface, winding I finally mean foot.

Exercise researchers say there is no strict gold-standard studies where large numbers of people on soft or hard surfaces lead assigned to have been, then followed compare injury rates.

It is a good reason, said Stuart j. warden, Director of the Indiana Center for translational musculoskeletal research at Indiana University. It's too hard to recruit large numbers of people ready, area, or a different one for their runs after the random will be assigned to.

"I think that is reason why still people not answered this question, that it is not a simple question to answer," said Dr. warden.

As Dr. Willem van Mechelen, head of health at work at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam to published studies to run of injuries and how she sought to prevent, closed it, also, that there was no good studies that directly support on soft ground running. "Clearly seem not relating to ongoing injuries, age, sex, body mass index, with hills, running on hard surfaces, participation in other sports, the time of the year and the time of the day," concluded Dr. van Mechelen.

So what is on? It seems obvious that the forces on your legs and feet are different, depending on whether you on soft packed dirt or hard concrete running. Why not injury rates are affected?

A response that accept many comes from studies that indirectly addresses the issue. Some people ran out of them on plates, which measured the force, with which they hit the ground. Instead of vary the hardness of the soil, the researchers varies the damping of the shoes. More attenuation applied on soft ground running.

Time and time again studies like this found that the body automatically adjusts to different surfaces - at least, as imitated by cushioning in shoes - to keep forces constantly, when foot plate.

This statement makes sense, said Dr. warden. If you jump from one table to the floor, you automatically bend your knees when you land. If you jump on a trampoline, you can keep your knee stiff when you land. Something similar happens when you run on different surfaces.

"If you run on a hard surface, your body takes its rigidity," said Dr. warden. "Their knees and hips flex more." "The legs stiffen on a soft surface." Run on a soft surface "is another activity in fact," he said.

But not really forces within the body measure these studies, Dr. van Mechelen found. Instead, she used bio-mechanical modeling to estimate those forces.

"It models, so that God knows whether it is true," said Dr. van Mechelen. "But, it seems far-fetched to me."

Dr. Warden told some people faster than others run adjust surfaces, and he advised that all want, to change to a hard surface from a soft or vice versa, number safely and gradually make the change.

Change your running surface, said Dr. warden, "is a lot of how to increase your mileage." change your shoes or a different aspect of your training program abrupt changes can be risky.

But without evidence, that softer surfaces prevent injuries, there is no reason on soft ground run, if you, like Dr. warden and said other experts. Dr. van Mechelen tells a few comfortable shoes to runners and run on what they prefer.

Dr. van Mechelen, a runner himself, says that his favorite surface is asphalt. Mine is to.

My coach, Tom Fleming, never proposed soft surfaces and never thought it prevents that injury. And he said: there is a good reason to run on asphalt, at least if you want to compete.

"Are the most road-race on hard surfaces," he told me. "Let us as they get."

Pledge of the stores for 'Food deserts' make large retailers

WASHINGTON-Führungskräfte von Wal-Mart, Walgreens, SuperValu und andere speichert verknüpften Michelle Obama im Weißen Haus am Mittwoch zu verkünden Versprechens zu öffnen oder zu erweitern eine kombinierte 1.500 Shops in Gemeinden, die haben begrenzten Zugang zur nahrhaften Nahrung und sind als "Lebensmittel Wüsten." bezeichnet

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Michelle Obama mitteilte die Zusagen am Mittwoch.

Mit die Zusagen, gesichert durch die Partnerschaft für eine gesündere Amerika, die in Frau Obama-Kampagne, um Fettleibigkeit zu verringern ist, wollen die Stores 9,5 Millionen der 23,5 Mio. Amerikaner zu erreichen, die in Gebieten leben, wo die Suche nach erschwinglichen gesunde Lebensmittel kann schwierig sein. Biegen Sie in diesen Bereichen viele Menschen, Fast-Food-Restaurants und Convenience-Stores.

"Den Verpflichtungen, die Sie alle heute haben das Potenzial machen, ein Spiel-Wechsler werden", sagte Mrs. Obama auf der Veranstaltung. "Wenn diese Läden erfolgreich zu sein, können sie als Anker in unseren Gemeinschaften dienen."

Das Ministerium für Landwirtschaft definiert "Essen Wüsten" als mit niedrigem Einkommen Bereiche, wo mehr als 500 Menschen oder 33 Prozent der Bevölkerung mehr als eine Meile vom eine erschwingliche Lebensmittelgeschäft lebt. In ländlichen Gemeinden ist der Abstand 10 Meilen.

Walgreens, der Illinois-basierte Einzelhändler mit mehr als 7.000 Informationsspeichern zugesagt, 4,8 Millionen Menschen in solchen Gebieten durch Drehen 1.000 von den Standorten in "Oase Lebensmittelgeschäften", die verkaufen werden, Obst, Gemüse und anderen Lebensmittel, die sie nicht in der Regel hat zu erreichen.

Wal-Mart sagte er öffnen oder erweitern Sie essen Abschnitte in 275 bis 300 Geschäften bis 2016, schätzungsweise 40.000 Menschen beschäftigen. SuperValu, die vielen regionalen Lebensmittelketten wie Jewel-Osco und ACME besitzt, wird 250 neue Save-A-Lot-Stores in fünf Jahren geöffnet.

Fettleibigkeit ist eine Signatur-Ursache von Mrs. Obama angenommen. Eine von drei amerikanischen Kindern ist übergewichtig oder fettleibig, was einige Wissenschaftler sagen voraus, dass die Jugend von heute die erste Generation kürzere Leben als die vorherige Generation nach ins Weiße Haus haben werden könnte.

Mrs. Obama sagte, dass Lebensmittel Wüsten, wo 6,5 Millionen amerikanische Kinder leben, dem Phänomen beitragen. Die Regierung und dem privaten Sektor müssen zusammenarbeiten, um Lebensmittel Wüsten zu beseitigen, sagte sie.

"Mit Ihrer Verpflichtungen heute, Sie alle uns zeigen was möglich ist" Mrs. Obama sagte. "Dies ist nicht einige geheimnisvolle Frage, die wir ansprechen kann nicht. Wir kennen die Antwort. Es ist richtig, es."

Die Obama-Verwaltung Healthy Food-Finanzierung-Initiative, von Frau Obama im Februar 2010 begonnen soll finanziell Assist-Läden, die in Essen Wüsten öffnen.

Die Initiative erhielt ein 35-Millionen-Dollar-Budget in diesem Jahr, auch kurz von den Hunderten von Millionen von Präsident Obama angefordert. Die Verwaltung gebeten für mehr als 300 Millionen Dollar in den nächsten Haushalt für es genehmigt werden.

In 2009 New York begann ihre Food Retail-Expansion Unterstützung Gesundheitoder frische Programm, eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit Staat-Stadt, die Anreize für bietet zu speichern, um in unterversorgten Gemeinschaften zu öffnen. Frisch wird als einer der größten Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Essen Wüsten in einem Staat oder lokaler Ebene zugeschrieben.

What do you think before you remove your warts


Although you can expect that your own you need to make the selection warts to eliminate what may be the only, it is not. With the distance, often known as in a residence remove wart you need several different ways. These opportunities include, but may be not at home remedies and over-the-counter medicines is limited. You should think about making a residence means to remove a wart, it is possible to easily discover numerous property remedy recipes on the Web. If over-the-counter wart traded your style are much products, you have the opportunity to purchase these products on the Web or from one of your neighborhood retail stores.


Perhaps, may be one of the most important topics in the spirit maintain the dangers in the context of your own remove warts. These risks can increase may, depending on strategy removal of warts, you choose. It is therefore even wart removal strategy to decide, which is certainly not only successful, but surely very critical about one. You are in the process if in every way possible tries cutoff of your wart want less. The result can also be an infection or other complications. As an alternative to truncate your wart, are recommended, find cure basic residence, or purchase one in the many over-the-counter traded wart medicines which are available at the moment. These approaches are often a safer and healthier options.


Also you could use for the approach of the wart removal, simply prefer, along with the dangers in the context of this strategy, you also share you will your warts in mind. With the wart away whether it is in the doctor's Office or property, size, and also the place with the wart or warts are essential. May be large warts could be difficult to the take or with over-the-counter medicines, which are available in most stores some retail treatment. Also the place can make your warts may be difficult or not safe for you it drugs, regardless of whether this medication from home remedies or over-the-counter product apply traded wart.


It is also important to take into account that remove your personal warts is not guaranteed. With the over-the-counter Wart Remover and wart removal property fixes, that you no guarantees not provided. In essence, this means, that simply shell could from days or weeks trying to get, but without any luck, your wart away. In addition to fail, it is also important, don't forget that there is a chance that back was able to develop your wart. This is generally done also for people who professionally had removed their warts.


The above mentioned points are just a few of the many that you have to take into account, the choice to take away warts individual creation. Before making a final selection, it may be meant to all of your offered alternatives to explore including a professional wart removal might be a fantastic. Investigate all your options is to ensure that you easily find and choose the wart remove option, the largest for you and your body is the largest strategy.


Toothbrush sanitizer keeps you healthier during travel

Steribrush ™ UV travel toothbrush sanitizer is designed to protect against harmful bacteria and viruses that grow on toothbrushes. Steribrush ™ UV will travel toothbrush sanitizer disinfect and save your toothbrush on the road. It will protect from infectious diseases, so that the only thing that you put in the mouth is a clean toothbrush. This will lead to better oral hygiene and prevent disease. To use Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer, just add your toothbrush inside the unit and UV light will automatically destroy the spores. Measures to protect of your health travel.

You can make their toothbrush sick!

Human mouth is one of the filthiest places on Earth and is home to millions of germs that can make you sick literally! These microorganisms are you clean every time transferred to your toothbrush and can you be eliminated not no matter how thoroughly rinsing your toothbrush you.

"Even after is rinsed visibly clean, toothbrushes can remain contaminated with possible pathogenic organisms." - the Centers for disease control

Destroy germs on your toothbrush


The Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer is designed to protect against harmful bacteria and viruses that grow on toothbrushes. With Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer will clean your toothbrush up are so the only thing that you put in the mouth is a clean toothbrush. Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer is an essential tool in the fight against infectious diseases. Visit for more info.


How to use the Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer

This toothbrush sanitizer uses UV germ-killing technology to kill harmful germs. After you place your toothbrush in the Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer, the special 253.7 nm UV cold cathode light will activate automatically. The travel toothbrush sanitizer has just the right UV wavelength, bacteria, to kill viruses and mold due to the destruction of their DNA. UV germicidal irradiation technique in the UV travel toothbrush sanitizer is a proven sanitization technology in dental offices, hospitals, clinics and retail areas.

Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer is easy to use

To improve oral hygiene, you simply set your toothbrush in the Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer. Special UV-light is automatically for a few minutes kills all germs to make. This will prevent the spread of germs and maintain healthier on the road. In contrast to other toothbrush sanitizers that use superheated, is impossible, to burn with travel toothbrush sanitizer.
Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer specifications
This compact, attractive light weight Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer is only 8 "(L) x 1" (H) x 2 "(W) in size and uses 2 x AAA batteries, so there is no messy cables..."

Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer is risk free

There is no risk when purchasing the Steribrush ™ travel toothbrush sanitizer. The UV tooth brush Sanitizer fails to perform according to its specifications, it will be replaced immediately.

Laser hair therapy to adapt to your lifestyle

Handheld laser opposite in the Studio laser hair therapy

Laser hair therapy has help stop hair loss and the regrowth of hair, so it a question is which method suits best your needs.

Because there are no denying that laser hair therapy of a FDA-approved way is to stop hair loss in men and women, it is useful, this treatment add to your hair loss treatment plan. Experts agree that laser hair therapy grow resting hair, promote hair count can improve by 10 percent, it improves the health of existing hair and growth and, that it also as a complement to an other hair loss treatment in works use today. Customers, the a hair transplant were subjected to use laser hair therapy to improve and strengthen the new growth. Men who use propecia internally use to stimulate follicles without laser hair therapy. Women, the Rogaine use to improve laser hair therapy Rogaine effectiveness. Customers who alopecia use laser hair therapy have suffered of traction, traumatized follicles in hair growth, in addition to stimulate topical cortisone and antibiotics. The list goes on and on...

Yes, like laser hair therapy work?

"Light therapy, for years" Ronnie said located talent of legacy hair Center in Charlotte, n.c. "it is used successfully in dermatology in the treatment of Seborrhea, eczema and psoriasis." "As soon as low level laser light has been given to hair follicles, we saw it in response to open." Laser hair therapy successes are tempered by the fact, that it works only for live follicles and is a long-term, continuous treatment. If you have lost your hair for at least five years after, several follicles are may be dead and does not respond to laser hair therapy. "The treatment works best, as soon as you notice a hair thinning or loss problem, because each time, when a hair falls off, which is a little small follicles, especially if a new hair is not his place." "This process shines through laser hair therapy to repair follicles widening and sponsorship itself and reverse grow again," explains talent.

On-site or in the Studio laser hair therapy?

"The fact is," says talent, "is that laser hair therapy a long-term treatment, which is not yet complete and must be run at scheduled intervals, in order to be effective." Currently, there are two ways to reach laser hair therapy. One way is 20-30 minute appointments to a laser hair therapy Studio or hair loss treatment centre for treatments under the Studio laser hair therapy "Hood" unit plan. This treatment can anywhere from 150 to 250 laser diodes, which your scalp more exposure to the healing effects of the laser because of the greater concentration of laser light returns. But frequency is a huge factor with two to three times a week as optimal depending on current observation and research. In the Studio laser hair therapy treatments are the perfect choice if you are not in the Studio up to three times per week for scheduled appointments.

For those who would rather manage laser hair therapy itself, a laser brush or laser comb is called an in-place laser hair therapy unit. It is a handheld unit for the use of in place. You are responsible for the unit holding and move it systematically everywhere on your scalp for the recommended 20-30 minutes two-to three times a week, so you must be motivated. Keep a hard this schedule may be for some, and handheld devices are simply not as strong as in the Studio-hood units. But for those who want privacy or can not keeping away of events from home, the handheld unit is the best option.

What to see in a laser comb or brush laser

The simple fact is, the more light-emitting diodes, a laser has, the stronger the unit laser, so look for the unit with the most diodes, which you can afford. If budget allows, be it laser units can you buy for in place use so that you can sit in a Chair. Teeth are useful says for handheld devices keep the laser light to the right distance from the scalp, the a half an inch is talent. Look for mirrors, which are said to reflect the light the diodes, which is the high-performance laser light - it so fool you not produce.

Laser hair therapy is the use of more better?

Since no longitudinal studies on laser hair therapy did not we yet sure about the frequency of exposure. Experts agree, however, that the body responds no constant use of laser light on rarely occurring, and true talent. "We have noticed that a constant stimulation is not as effective as other daily exposure every day." The most important is to understand your expectations. I suggest, clients try it for six months and test the results, because I've found that most people, the desired rather try would back not flexibly and without drugs, first to grow their own hair. "And we that you have the best chance to give what they want!"

Friday, 22 July 2011

How to select the best cosmetic surgeon in India?

People are very concerned about their look and appearance. To enhance their appearance, various cosmetic procedures from the best cosmetic surgeons in India are a large number of people. For better results, the skills of a cosmetic surgeon play a crucial role in deciding the fate of cosmetic surgery. A healthy mind and heart is a person who looks good, externally. The external looks and self-esteem and confidence the appearance of the individual also directly related to its. Now comes the choice of the best cosmetic surgeon in India?

How many cosmetic surgeons in India are available, there are various features plastic surgery must be taken into account in the selection of the best hospital in India. The very first one must look at the level of communication of a cosmetic surgeon for. To ensure the best result, expectations and logical possibilities need to communicate the patient and surgeon. Communication includes both hear and speak.

Always a good plastic surgeon in India will hear you. To translate your expectations, and they fully understand in medical terms, he or she will go for the last operation.

Next thing to look for is the level of education, the surgeon has. It means, how good is the surgeon to perform the operation. Medical school, but additional time for training in this specialty spent the years of not only in the.

The most important feature is the experience of cosmetic surgeon in the appropriate box a. A cosmetic surgeon is often specialised in certain tasks, such as the facial region or reconstructive methods. By performing this procedure for long, a cosmetic surgeon will do expert for these procedures.

A good plastic surgeon must have an aesthetic eye. Always remember that surgery is cosmetic not only a science, it is an art. To obtain the best results, it must be very receptive to this aesthetic eye. Able to achieve a nice result on a human body, requires a deep appreciation of beauty and harmony and proportion. You can his work analyze simply by it a look at the "before" and "after" photos of a surgeon's patients.

If you decide to choose the best cosmetic surgeons in India, make sure to check its reputation market. Good surgeon always great deal of attention gained by large number of operations completed successfully.

Fake it with solarium products

Increased awareness of the impact of to much sunlight led to more and more people 'faking it' with self tanning products. Now, partly thanks to celebrity support, with Tan products on the market has really taken off, a wide range of tanning lamps. If you the wrong there are uncertain brigade but what product that is right for you want to join, leaves you the Care4yourskinshop here the best self tanning products to find a location including fake bake, Xen Tan and bronze Express.

Gone are the days when someone with a Tan a mile above, place could not only because they were bright orange and streaky, but also because they were one of the only people the one looking for strange shadows of Mandarin in a sea of sun browned the natural tans. Things are now, but very different. Millions of us now rely on Tan, that healthy glow to get including celebrities from Madonna to Jennifer Aniston. Now, men reach regularly for the fake Tan bottle, rather than on the rays. The best of Tan products themselves are now far more advanced, a tan, very difficult to see that is so fake. Care4yourskinshop has brought together a unique selection of the best fake tanning, so you must not around.

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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Best ways for the treatment of gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a condition in which men develop breasts. Typically, all men should breasts; excess growth of tissue in the breasts, which specifies the representation of female breasts is in this State. It may perhaps have both breasts on a single page or it. Male breast is usually a benign condition and causes no physical complications. However, it can cause that serious self-esteem issues and prevent people from leading a normal social life due to embarrassment. Men who suffer from, rarely talking and trying to disguise it by the wear loose clothes as much as possible. So, we take a look at what exactly Gynecomastia caused.

Causes of gynecomastia

There are a several causes of the condition that is important hormonal imbalance. If a child in the womb, which transmitted estrogen the male child and the results in a slightly swollen breast, this usually disappears within a few weeks. During puberty, due to hormonal imbalance, most guys develop small breasts and this disappears after a while. In addition it developed due to decrease in the production of testosterone in men over the age of 50 years. Gynecomastia is caused as a result of obesity, in many people. It can sometimes be seen as a side effect of some medications and drugs. It is also caused due to the incorrect functioning of the adrenal gland. People with certain kidney and liver diseases develop male mammary gland due to the bodies inability to dispose of excess estrogen in the body. Klinefelter's syndrome, in which instead of men XXY chromosome, from XY have causes that men have female features. Some studies suggest that the excessive use of marijuana can cause the condition, but there is no evidence to prove the same. Gynecomastia is sometimes in bodybuilders from a certain age see if they are less active. There are several other causes of Gynecomastiathat imbalance of hormone levels are associated with.

Towards the treatment of gynecomastia

Before you decide what treatment is best, you must determine whether you have true Gynecomastia or pseudo-gynecomastia. In real Gynecomastia, there is no growth of the breast muscles, fat, it's easy, that is amassed in the chest area and gives the appearance of the breasts. Pseudo-Gynecomastia is actual enlargement of breast tissue. Some of the ways to get rid of male mammary gland are as follows:

Identify and treat the cause
The first thing to do is, is the cause of the problem to find out. As we have seen, there are many causes of the condition. It can be, hyperthyroidism, liver cirrhosis, renal failure and other diseases. Talk with your doctor, he will be the required tests identify the underlying cause and suggest a treatment according to propose.

Change in medications
If your condition is a side effect of some medicines, that you have, you should change your medication. Contact your doctor and ask him that some of you other medicines that will treat your disease, without any side effects.

Lose weight
You have pseudo-Gynecomastia, it is because of obesity. Take the help of a nutritionist or plan your own weight-loss regime. As far as possible avoid tests and fatty foods, to eat salad, fresh fruit and vegetables. You must not starve themselves, only eat healthy. Fitness is essential, if you are looking to get rid of male boobs.

Starting to exercise
Exercises are not fully eliminate male boobs, but it will definitely help you enable your chest a more defined look. Try some exercises which are specifically meant for the chest. The simplest is Push-Ups, can be done anywhere and is very effective in the chest muscle. Other exercises, which gives you a toned breast are bench press, dips, sweaters, dumbbell incline press, chest dips, etc.. Regularly take help of a gym instructor and work out to display the results. Apart from chest exercises are other activities such as swimming, cycling or playing a sport also very useful, to lose the whole body weight.

Try medication
Doctors can lead sometimes some drugs the hormonal imbalance. The estrogen receptor modulator, tamoxifen, used in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer can be used for the treatment of gynecomastia. It is known that be very effective, reducing the estrogen level in the male body. -Inhibitors such as letrozole are also effective. However they are not universally approved to treat the condition. There are also some herbal supplements available to cure gynecomastia. Consult your doctor what medicine is best for you is suitable. Make sure discuss clearly, which you can expect results from these medications.

Use compression garments
Now, this will deal not the State. However, if you have decided against the treatment and are well live, can then clothes under your clothes wear compression. They will help to reduce the appearance of the breasts, you can put them online or at any medical store. These garments are also useful after the surgery, to improve the contour of the body.

Opt for surgery
If everything fails, then as a last resort, you must decide for surgery. There are many types of operations that are made to the treatment of gynecomastia. The first one is liposuction, breast fat and not the breast tissue gland removed. The other surgery is gland breast tissue is removed during mastectomy. Along with these operations, the skin can be sculpture. However, if the cause of the problem has not been addressed, breasts can grow after surgery again. Also operations are very expensive, and because they are cosmetic surgery, they are covered mostly not covered by insurance. The operation cost you somewhere between $3500 to $7000. After the operation, you must wear a compression vest about 4-5 weeks until it heals completely. Discuss all the options available, with the doctor before to undergo operation.

It can be extremely difficult with this condition, especially in a society to live, where men are expected to, all macho. Fortunately, treatments that effectively treat condition are. As we saw without a lot of money investing, you can get rid of male boobs. Once you eliminate the tits, you maintain a healthy lifestyle by recurring prevent.

Significant prejudice planning checklist

Babies are a bundle of joy for every couple, and there is a natural tendency for all yearn for her own baby. However, it is important to have this new in addition to your family at the right time. Orthodox people could argue that there is no such thing as 'Right time are', but experts argue that for those who prefer a planned conception, it is easily possible, follow a checklist to make a perfect physical and mental to ensure before you, in fact choose to understand. Are some key points are in the process bias planning are taken into account.

Dual approval
It is important that both partners are physically and mentally ready, to include responsibility for a new addition to their family. A baby deserves your time, attention and love. Couples must care for baby's first question, even if their relationship is strong enough, requirements. Peace and harmony in a couple relationship, are top props in prejudice planning checklist.

Preparation of older siblings
The child you are currently planning to develop might not be your first. It is important to your older children welcome new Member of your family to psychologically prepare.

It is well known that smoking and drinking habits have much of a reduction of male and female fertility. If you plan to start a family, it would be important to give up these habits. In men, medical experiments have demonstrated that decline in sperm counts of nicotine intake gives a boost.

Ovulation dates
Ovulation days are the most fertile days of the menstrual cycle. If you plan to have a baby, ovulation offers the best chance to understand then period. It is always a good idea to carefully in the light of your menstrual period dates on a calendar. Write the next due date for your menstrual period. Now, you can count your menstrual period up to 12 and 16 day prior to the backward. This is the most fertile time or your ovulation. For women experiencing a 28-day cycle he is 14 days from the first day of last period the most fertile days. You can also make a basal thermometer use to check your basal temperature. During the ovulating normally consists a rise in temperature of approximately 1.5º.

Medical Ratsuchende
It is useful for both partners to consult their doctors and receive a thorough physical examination performed. This is important because your doctors are the first people, all obstacles with your pregnancy. Such obstacles can be coached, usually by ingestion of drugs, or by a minor correction surgery. Contact your Gynecologist for all required vaccinations before conception. It is necessary that the doctor more aware your's and your family history, him the type of drug prescription required of them understand to help. You can schedule even a meeting with your doctor suitable discuss food plan to increase your fertility one and give it your chances of conception a boost to.

Correct exercise
It is important for women physically fit to succeed, to pass the physical stress of pregnancy. If you are a health freak, try, sure, that you are not on the application. A about exercise is often physically demanding and effects such as irregular periods, reducing the hormone secretion, reduction in fertility, etc. For those who always avoided can be starting, keep fit with revel in some physical activity such as jogging, swimming, cycling, and so on. Since ancient times been seen practicing yoga as an exercise as also a booster of fertility. This habit can exercise during pregnancy will also continue. The older generation noted that pregnant women should hang up their shoes and most recover. But today is that active mother, healthier-your child will be and lighter the hours of work on the last day. However, you can a fitness expert for best exercises post consult conception.

Healthy nutrition and supplements
If you plan, design, it is particularly important, for both partners to adopt future be mother to a diet suitable for design and fetal nutrition during pregnancy. It is recommended that all types of crash diet plans give, if women want successful conception. For women, it is essential, certain foods such as salt, lard, caffeine, refined food, to avoid chocolate, etc.. The approach should be on a balanced diet. Here is a table, to give you the essential diet at a glance are the help.

NutrientSource of nutrition
ProteinsRed meat, fish, eggs, chicken, beans and legumes
CarbohydratesWhole grain bread, cereal, brown rice, potatoes, corn
CalciumMilk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli
FibreFresh fruit, vegetables
Sugar and fat (moderately consume)Sugar, oils, ghee
IronLiver, hummus, lentils, leafy vegetables, jaggery, Dryfruits and seeds
Folic acidBeans, berries, citrus
Body hydrantPlenty of water and juices

It is a myth, the men do not need to make dietary changes before conception. Facts but claim a probability of low fertility among men, which could be an obstacle to development. It is always a good idea to consult a reputable food specialists and guarantee consumption of a healthy diet.

It is not always possible to prevent the health problems that you encounter. But investigations in science have helped to create a variety of solutions to these problems. So, before you plan to pregnant, let go it one point by this useful checklist. Its a perfect way to do your preconception planning.

Select your primary care doctor tips

A health assessment-check-ups is regularly one of the most important steps in maintaining the health of your doctor or primary care physician (PCP) visit. You best for your needs are in much thought when Choosing a doctor , suitable. Factors such as years experience, specialty, health insurance, and many other things helps you decide which is best for you and your family. He is the one you depends on a stuffy nose, a broken leg in time of need. If you suffer from a serious illness, you can reference your PCP to a specialist in the relevant field. Also the patient must have a PCP most insurance companies.

Family doctors belong to in the following categories:

Internal medicine: Physicians who are certified in internal medicine are to treat for children and adults, and may be qualified, perform smaller operations.

Family medicine: Physicians include family medicine are qualified to treat the whole family. Their specialty include Pediatrics, OB/GYN or internal medicine.

Pediatrics: These doctors are board certified to treat children from infancy through youth.

OB/GYN: Obstetricians and gynecologists are used generally as a PCB for women.

Nurse practitioner and physician's assistants: You work with doctors, but take a different certification program as physicians. They are trained and qualified in primary care.

Basic services choose doctor tips

  • You should your choose a doctor, health insurance.The most accepted doctors accept all major health plans. Contact type and reporting on the doctor's Office about your plan.

  • Check the doctor's qualifications and professional affiliations. Make sure that he is certified Board in its respective field. Collect information on which medical school has visited, number of years, he was practicing when he was disciplined ever has, and so on. Visit the American Board medical specialties website to your doctor to check the credentials.

  • Close to home or Office a large is crucial. You should be easily able to reach the doctor's Office, especially if you have children. If you moved to a new location have, ask your current PCP you, so that he/she can help, or find a PCP close to your neighborhood.

  • The Office Timings are just as important. Make sure that you adjust your schedule. To determine whether the Office of 7 days is a week, and what time of day they normally work.

  • Make sure, that the doctor, who want to visit is accepting new patients and make sure that dates are easily available. Do not wait long over the phone at the time still await you on the series in a crowded waiting room. Questions you, whether the doctor's Office walk - in the can also, in the event that you press time. You can find out whether they offer advice on phone in cases, when the Office is not a viable option. Consider these points when selecting a PCP.

  • You want that the doctor be friendly and compassionate. He or she should listen to out and offer detailed explanations to your care and concern. You can request always an interview with a potential PCP so that more of his personality and his approach in dealing you can find with patients. Talking to him will give you a fair idea what are his views on disease treatment and prevention. You should be comfortable talking to the doctor about your medical problems. You decide whether to go for a male or female doctor. Trust your instinct. If you don't feel right about certain things, do not select the doctor as your PCP.

  • Search references from relatives, friends and colleagues or other health care professionals. This are people whose advice can rely on when you choose a PCP. What say these people can have impact directly in your selection.

  • Find out if the doctor you selected connected to a hospital. If so, auszufinden you, how far is the Hospital of your home.

  • If your family has members with special needs, or if you have children, can to select a PCP with a specialization as a general physician.

  • Auszufinden, whether the doctor's Office specific language and cultural needs offers. Language can be a major obstacle, and so it is important that the physician with you in a language communicates you familiar with are.

  • Ask your doctor whether they online services offer. E-Mail can view your doctor appointment management online and not only on the Web test result itself as very convenient for you as a patient.
Keep in mind that a doctor-patient relationship based on trust and openness. Looking for primary health care doctor after you have fallen sick, because it could be a long process started. Do your research and find a healthy are, and schedule an appointment so that you meet the doctor for a health check up. Go for check-ups regularly, so that in the event that sick, any time your medical history, fall, your doctor know you already can be a real time saver. Setting up a bond with your doctor. It goes a long way in maintaining good health and overall well-being.

Is it safe to use insect repellent when pregnant?

They are monsoon or the summer anywhere in your House, Park, at the store during the. You can bite or just stay around you. Insects can all types and sizes and really such pests are intended pun. Mosquitoes declare a war against your body with no persuasion, attacking you from all other directions, can give you with mixed feelings of anger, despair and helplessness. If you are pregnant, you multiply with fifty time. In fact, during pregnancy, you exhale more carbon dioxide attracts mosquitoes, and they are more likely, first to victimize. You are just blessing in the curse seems to be your insect repellent. But how safe are the chemicals in it for your little angel?

What should you avoid?
You need to know that there are two types of insect repellents on the market. You are the synthetic, contain the chemicals, and the other type is the bio pesticide, the vegetable is. All chemical formulations containing DEET or Picaridin, during which, the natural Citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, lemon and IR3535 are composed. The most insect repellents worldwide, included DEET or N, N-Diethyl-3-methyl benz amides, that will be easily absorbed if it gets in contact with the skin and enters the blood since 1957, produced. Although their effect in humans is unproven, it increases the chances of birth defects in pregnant hens if they are subjected to the chemical in high doses. Be extremely careful about the concentration of DEET in your insect repellent, which should not be more than 10% "sure". It is a very toxic chemical that can cause seizures and epidermal irritation effects on the nervous system, in a normal person. Keep it by your children and wash as soon as you enter an insect-free zone. However, if you go in a forest, high grass, or travel, it is extremely important that you use a bug spray as anything at all, because an insect bite can be potentially dangerous for your child.

Go natural
The environmental protection agency (EPA) regulates the safety of all devices that come with our skin contact. According to the statistics on the website of the company of Avon's skin-so-soft range IR3535 contains as an active substance and is valid for up to 2 hours. I have learned that another product, Natrapel 8 hours is some DEET-free insect repellent that contains 20% Picaridin and provides protection for up to 8 hours of bugs. Picaridin, introduced to American insect repellent formulations in recent years seems to be a less toxic chemical compared to DEET. Well, I have not put my hands on the spray or had one of first-hand experience, I hope one of you is try and write back share their story on it.

Each kind of neglect could cause much damage for your baby, especially when the fetus in the early stages of their development is. Although the most insect repellents are announced, to safely while the pregnancy, it is better to carefully read the label on the spray and safe than sorry. However, would not, I support the idea for exposing your baby to chemicals at a Fetal stage at all. Try an insect repellent , which is safe on the skin as a combination of Witch Hazel, lemon grass oil, eucalyptus oil and cinnamon oil. Contact frequently, or use a herbal insect repellent, contains other ingredients, these natural oils work more effectively to make. Citronella oil may be not very safe to use during pregnancy. Wear bright colors and clear control from scented products. They can also mosquito nets, as in the past and, until deeds. I think during the pregnancy, is best to avoid it, go outdoors especially if you several insects with terminal illnesses such as Lyme disease, West Nile virus, and Rocky Mountain fever could attack. Her baby is security in the first place.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Use oregano oil for sinus infections

There are several herbs in nature, that can be used as a medicinal product. These natural medicines are more useful than the expensive allopathic medicines. On top of that the allopathic can are medicines isn't always good for the body, as micro-organisms can be immune to it as time passes and you have to shift medications, which are also more expensive to the higher-generation. Constant use of antibiotics kill useful bacteria in the human body to which makes people more susceptible to infections. So use of medicinal plants like Tulsi, oregano and other herbs use higher for which health without a high price can be. The following paragraphs deal with how oregano oil can be used to treat various health problems.

What is oregano and uses of oil of oregano?

Oregano is a medicinal herb that grows most extensively in the Mediterranean region. The two most important connections found in oregano are carvacrol, a type of phenol (phenols are large antiseptics), and Thymol. Oregano is a perennial plant grows in warm climates, but as an annual plant when grown in harsh climates when. Leaves offer oregano also health benefits when they are used, immediately after the cut, because dried oregano leaves medical value lose. On the contrary, its oil can be used for a long time. Oil oregano is obtained by one the leaves and stem of the plant. These are then, processed by a steam-distillation method, where the active substances are minimally changed. Conventionally, oregano oil is used for treating various health problems such as stomach ache, respiratory, intestinal infections and problems, cold, irregular menses women and sinus infection. Has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, and it is antispasmodic. Some of its specific advantages are fight against infections, reduce pain and inflammation and beefing up the immune system. It has anti-venom action of the venom of the Scorpion, bee and spider can be reduced. It as antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal can be used against micro-organisms. So it is useful in the treatment of toothache, sports injury, animal bites, asthma, tuberculosis, food poisoning, bladder infections, pneumonia, sore throat and wounds. Can the oregano oil be used in the treatment of sinusitis? The following segment deals with this query.

Use of oil oregano for sinusitis?

Sinusitis, in medical terms is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (in the spring of moist air filled spaces within the cheek bones of the face around the nose) usually as a result of viral, bacterial or Pilzartige infection caused. The sinuses where sinusitis occurs, are: frontal sinuses-an area around the eyebrows, maxillaris sinuses - located in the cheek bones, ethmoid sinuses - an area between the eyes and Keilbeins sinuses behind the ethmoid sinus. In General, the facial bones are filled in a healthy person who make with air sinuses lighter weight. A person suffering from cold in the rule has sinusitis. It is referred to as viral sinusitis. Allergy to dust mites, injection molding or fungi can cause sometimes sinusitis. If nasal stuffiness because of cold or an allergy, can it not properly sinuses drain the bacteria within the sinuses, which fall to bacterial sinusitis. One can oil oregano, to handle this, since it is a natural and an effective remedy. It fights from the virus and boosts the immune system. This oil should not be confused with the edible oregano oil, because they are extracted from two different plants.

Methods of using oil oregano

Correct method should be used, for the use of medicinal products, which helps faster recovery, and that even without the complications and side effects. Here are such methods be used to consume during oil oregano in the treatment of sinusitis.

  • Tablets are useful for the treatment of sinus infections. But those difficulties which face consume tablets can always oil oregano.

  • Oregano oil is very strong directly use, therefore it must be diluted with oil, when applied to the skin or burn it sensitive skin.

  • You can it consume for sore throat and sinus infection, by mixing from 2 to 3 drops oil with juice, water and a teaspoon of honey. You can also a medicine dropper and oil diluted 2 to 3 drops of oregano with water under the tongue keep.

  • You can mix a few drops of oil oregano olive oil on the skin over the sinuses and help open nose apply.

  • Use of oregano oil in the form of steam is one of the best ways to cure sinusitis. Mix 2 to 3 drops of oregano oil with half cup of boiling water. Cover your head and Cup with a towel, the steam catch and breathe, inhale it. This will help to clear the nasal passages.
Take the doses, how the doctor prescribed, more than it can can a oregano oil side effectsoccur. It can absorb the ability of your body iron lower and also as I previously have said if abused it can be toxic. Liver can process too much data at once. Two to three times a day consume is generally recommended. Results can be seen within 6 to 7 days. If the improvement is not seen, you should no longer use, consult it and the doctor. With oregano oil for children required some precautions. If you buy oregano oil, it is important to find the concentration of ingredients, manufacturing date and the level of purity.

Warning: If you are still a baby, or are pregnant, you use not oil oregano in any way for what ever it is ailing.

Health care provider should be consulted prior to use for children, because herbal medicine vary thickness and can be toxic. Start using small doses, which will help you identify, if you are allergic to it or Heath topics. Use of oil oregano gives good results, as well as those who you can find with the product itself when it is used with the above.

Side effects and symptoms of ovarian cysts

Being a woman certainly has many advantages, especially the year that the active reproduction process works. Sometimes, however, seems a medical problem that affects the reproductive system. One problem is ovarian cysts. Symptoms of ovarian cysts can vary and can sometimes be misleading.

About 95% of all ovarian cysts that women have during their life, and it could happen outside the childbearing years is considered dangerous for women. Moreover, very few cysts that grow there are visible symptoms. Symptoms can vary, as preventive measures, is a good idea to know what the symptoms are. The more educated you are, the sooner a correct diagnosis and treatment can be given.

The size of the cyst can range from very small (size of a pea) to very large (such as the size of a golf ball). In general, the smaller the faster the cysts disappear on their own. Some cysts, however, if they continue to grow beyond the size of a pea, for example, cause any side effects or symptoms.

Pain is considered the most common side effect of this condition. The pain is felt not only in the pelvic region of the body, but the pain can be felt in other parts of the body. A cyst growth can put pressure on various parts of the body, including the nerves that can affect the lower back and legs. In addition, there is usually a pain during intercourse and during the monthly menstrual cycle.

Another symptom of ovarian cysts include spotting and bleeding. Abnormal or irregular periods must be a cause for alarm. Usually this indicates the possibility of pregnancy, but may also indicate the growth of cysts. If your menstrual cycle lasts longer than a normal period and no excessive bleeding during or after the time of the month is scheduled for the cycle, then this can be symptoms of ovarian cysts. If you are concerned about irregular bleeding and bleeding at the usual time, you should seek medical attention.

One symptom that can be easily misinterpreted that breastmilk soft. Usually this is a sign of pregnancy or menstrual cycles. If the breasts are soft and feel the pain too, is a sign that there cysts in the ovaries. This condition can cause hormonal imbalances and breast tenderness shooting. Adding this to the review of other symptoms and that means there is a problem and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Know side effects and symptoms of ovarian cysts guide you to determine whether there really a medical problem that must be addressed. A self-diagnosis may be sufficient, but validates the diagnosis of ovarian cysts should be performed by a doctor or gynecologist. As we all know, prevention is important, but not always what is best for our bodies. Start now by having a gynecological exam, talk with your doctor and educate yourself on an ovarian cyst.

Benefits of prenatal care

The benefits of prenatal care can not be overstated. Proper prenatal care can mean the difference between happy and healthy pregnancy and delivery, and full of pain and suffering.

A major benefit of prenatal care is that not only includes healthy pregnancy, you will learn what to expect from the stage of your pregnancy, what should and should not eat, what exercises to do and finally how to care for your baby.

Even if we only consider trying for a baby, consult your physician for pre-natal advice and check your current health status. Before getting pregnant is a good time to make sure to take precautions to avoid future health problems.

For example, both the rubella (German measles) and chickenpox, while a very common disease, can be very dangerous to the fetus if a pregnant woman contracts. Rubella can cause cataracts, heart disease, deafness and even mental retardation in the fetus and chickenpox can cause congenital varicella can result in leg stopped growing, skin sores and eye abnormalities.

If you want a baby, then definitely do not want to catch rubella, chickenpox during pregnancy so that immunization is the obvious answer. If you have one or two diseases or immunized as a child, then it may be immune to further infection, but it's worth getting a blood test to be absolutely sure. It is recommended to wait at least a month between vaccination and the development and if you are pregnant, have a good vaccination.

Another benefit of prenatal care includes knowledge of what comprises a healthy lifestyle for your pregnancy fun for you and your fetus.

You will learn about healthy diet and weight for you and your baby will get all the vitamins and minerals you need both. You have the extra pressure of being pregnant to cope and your baby need proper nutrition to develop normally. You might want to take supplements of folic acid, iron or vitamin A, all that is needed for a healthy pregnancy and can become deficient.

As important as what to eat is what you should not eat or swallow. Ask your doctor whether it is safe to continue with existing treatments or vitamin supplements as some may inhibit fertilization.

It is known that the use of small quantities of snuff, alcohol and drugs can cause incalculable harm to the fetus. Your doctor will probably recommend that you use this when you are trying to get pregnant, during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Exercise is an important factor, both before and during pregnancy. If you're fit, then you will be able to continue exercising when you expect. Exercise will help you maintain your weight, because they have to, keep the cardiovascular system is in good condition and perhaps most importantly, strengthen the back, legs and pelvis, all of which will be under considerable pressure, while you are carrying extra weight around your baby. Always consult a medical professional before exercising during pregnancy.

The benefits of prenatal care so that you really should get help as soon as you decide to become pregnant. Make sure your partner attend prenatal sessions with you to know and understand what to do to protect your pregnancy.

medicinal plants cardamom


Scientific name:
Amamum Campactum Soland

Area Name:
Kapolagha, Kapol, Cardamom, Palago, Pelaga puwar

Foreign Name:
round Kardemon

Oil proteins, sugars, fat, fly-sineol, and alfaborneol terpineol, beta-camphor and silicate

Parts Used:
All parts (leaves, flowers, fruits, and roots)

Cardamom plants are grown bulbous root with a high between 2-3 m. The leaves are pointed-oval with a length of about 30 cm and 10 cm wide. The flowers (symmetrical two-sided, reddish colored and divided into 3 sections) can be distinguished by differences in types of local varieties. From there it will be produced pieces of fragrant white box so that it can be used as a medicine and condiment. The fruit are in bunches of small round-shaped, sometimes hairy and yellow-colored gray.

Disease Incurably:
Cardamom can be used to treat cramps / spasms Stomach, Rheumatism, Fever, Heat, cough, Prevent Nausea, Body Odor, tonsil inflammation, menstrual disorders, stomach cramps, Drugs Mouthwash, Influenza, Sore Stomach, Shortness of Breath, Body Weak (as a tonic) , etc..


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