What should you avoid?
You need to know that there are two types of insect repellents on the market. You are the synthetic, contain the chemicals, and the other type is the bio pesticide, the vegetable is. All chemical formulations containing DEET or Picaridin, during which, the natural Citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, lemon and IR3535 are composed. The most insect repellents worldwide, included DEET or N, N-Diethyl-3-methyl benz amides, that will be easily absorbed if it gets in contact with the skin and enters the blood since 1957, produced. Although their effect in humans is unproven, it increases the chances of birth defects in pregnant hens if they are subjected to the chemical in high doses. Be extremely careful about the concentration of DEET in your insect repellent, which should not be more than 10% "sure". It is a very toxic chemical that can cause seizures and epidermal irritation effects on the nervous system, in a normal person. Keep it by your children and wash as soon as you enter an insect-free zone. However, if you go in a forest, high grass, or travel, it is extremely important that you use a bug spray as anything at all, because an insect bite can be potentially dangerous for your child.
Go natural
The environmental protection agency (EPA) regulates the safety of all devices that come with our skin contact. According to the statistics on the website of the company of Avon's skin-so-soft range IR3535 contains as an active substance and is valid for up to 2 hours. I have learned that another product, Natrapel 8 hours is some DEET-free insect repellent that contains 20% Picaridin and provides protection for up to 8 hours of bugs. Picaridin, introduced to American insect repellent formulations in recent years seems to be a less toxic chemical compared to DEET. Well, I have not put my hands on the spray or had one of first-hand experience, I hope one of you is try and write back share their story on it.
Each kind of neglect could cause much damage for your baby, especially when the fetus in the early stages of their development is. Although the most insect repellents are announced, to safely while the pregnancy, it is better to carefully read the label on the spray and safe than sorry. However, would not, I support the idea for exposing your baby to chemicals at a Fetal stage at all. Try an insect repellent , which is safe on the skin as a combination of Witch Hazel, lemon grass oil, eucalyptus oil and cinnamon oil. Contact frequently, or use a herbal insect repellent, contains other ingredients, these natural oils work more effectively to make. Citronella oil may be not very safe to use during pregnancy. Wear bright colors and clear control from scented products. They can also mosquito nets, as in the past and, until deeds. I think during the pregnancy, is best to avoid it, go outdoors especially if you several insects with terminal illnesses such as Lyme disease, West Nile virus, and Rocky Mountain fever could attack. Her baby is security in the first place.
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