Causes of gynecomastia
There are a several causes of the condition that is important hormonal imbalance. If a child in the womb, which transmitted estrogen the male child and the results in a slightly swollen breast, this usually disappears within a few weeks. During puberty, due to hormonal imbalance, most guys develop small breasts and this disappears after a while. In addition it developed due to decrease in the production of testosterone in men over the age of 50 years. Gynecomastia is caused as a result of obesity, in many people. It can sometimes be seen as a side effect of some medications and drugs. It is also caused due to the incorrect functioning of the adrenal gland. People with certain kidney and liver diseases develop male mammary gland due to the bodies inability to dispose of excess estrogen in the body. Klinefelter's syndrome, in which instead of men XXY chromosome, from XY have causes that men have female features. Some studies suggest that the excessive use of marijuana can cause the condition, but there is no evidence to prove the same. Gynecomastia is sometimes in bodybuilders from a certain age see if they are less active. There are several other causes of Gynecomastiathat imbalance of hormone levels are associated with.
Towards the treatment of gynecomastia
Before you decide what treatment is best, you must determine whether you have true Gynecomastia or pseudo-gynecomastia. In real Gynecomastia, there is no growth of the breast muscles, fat, it's easy, that is amassed in the chest area and gives the appearance of the breasts. Pseudo-Gynecomastia is actual enlargement of breast tissue. Some of the ways to get rid of male mammary gland are as follows:
Identify and treat the cause
The first thing to do is, is the cause of the problem to find out. As we have seen, there are many causes of the condition. It can be, hyperthyroidism, liver cirrhosis, renal failure and other diseases. Talk with your doctor, he will be the required tests identify the underlying cause and suggest a treatment according to propose.
Change in medications
If your condition is a side effect of some medicines, that you have, you should change your medication. Contact your doctor and ask him that some of you other medicines that will treat your disease, without any side effects.
Lose weight
You have pseudo-Gynecomastia, it is because of obesity. Take the help of a nutritionist or plan your own weight-loss regime. As far as possible avoid tests and fatty foods, to eat salad, fresh fruit and vegetables. You must not starve themselves, only eat healthy. Fitness is essential, if you are looking to get rid of male boobs.
Starting to exercise
Exercises are not fully eliminate male boobs, but it will definitely help you enable your chest a more defined look. Try some exercises which are specifically meant for the chest. The simplest is Push-Ups, can be done anywhere and is very effective in the chest muscle. Other exercises, which gives you a toned breast are bench press, dips, sweaters, dumbbell incline press, chest dips, etc.. Regularly take help of a gym instructor and work out to display the results. Apart from chest exercises are other activities such as swimming, cycling or playing a sport also very useful, to lose the whole body weight.
Try medication
Doctors can lead sometimes some drugs the hormonal imbalance. The estrogen receptor modulator, tamoxifen, used in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer can be used for the treatment of gynecomastia. It is known that be very effective, reducing the estrogen level in the male body. -Inhibitors such as letrozole are also effective. However they are not universally approved to treat the condition. There are also some herbal supplements available to cure gynecomastia. Consult your doctor what medicine is best for you is suitable. Make sure discuss clearly, which you can expect results from these medications.
Use compression garments
Now, this will deal not the State. However, if you have decided against the treatment and are well live, can then clothes under your clothes wear compression. They will help to reduce the appearance of the breasts, you can put them online or at any medical store. These garments are also useful after the surgery, to improve the contour of the body.
Opt for surgery
If everything fails, then as a last resort, you must decide for surgery. There are many types of operations that are made to the treatment of gynecomastia. The first one is liposuction, breast fat and not the breast tissue gland removed. The other surgery is gland breast tissue is removed during mastectomy. Along with these operations, the skin can be sculpture. However, if the cause of the problem has not been addressed, breasts can grow after surgery again. Also operations are very expensive, and because they are cosmetic surgery, they are covered mostly not covered by insurance. The operation cost you somewhere between $3500 to $7000. After the operation, you must wear a compression vest about 4-5 weeks until it heals completely. Discuss all the options available, with the doctor before to undergo operation.
It can be extremely difficult with this condition, especially in a society to live, where men are expected to, all macho. Fortunately, treatments that effectively treat condition are. As we saw without a lot of money investing, you can get rid of male boobs. Once you eliminate the tits, you maintain a healthy lifestyle by recurring prevent.
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